
I was just reading the FAA Aviation News and low and behold there on page 13 in the 'Experimental Flight Training For Hire Or Compensation' article is a pic of a whole bunch of RVs.


I recognize the tail of AV8iator's -8 which is Ironic since the plane is here in Dahlonega and I haven't seen it in person.

That's a really cool F-86 scheme on that -4 that I won't be using now...

Sorry, kind of Where's Waldo huh?
It would appear that you are looking for the owner of that -8 tail.
His name is Jerry "Widget" Morris. World famous retired Delta/Air Force pilot junky.

HE flies with the esteemed group of Team RV Formation guys out of Atlanta.
If you would like to meet him, come on out to Macon this Saturday for the airshow. He will be there performing in that very plane.

He also has a 0915 rendezvous near Macon would would mean you could catch him this Saturday preparing for launch ~0830.
Go hound him and say hello. He might even let you touch his tail.

Nah, I'm just being a goofy over zealous newby... I thought it was cool that there was a pic of a bunch of RV's in the FAA rag, and that _I_ recognized one... Guess it's old hat to you guys, I'm sure all the fame and ducking the poporatzzi gets old...

I pm'd Jerry and he invited me out to 9A0, I just haven't caught him out there yet. 9A0 has to be the deadest airport I've ever seen, luckily it's only 3 miles from the house...

I wouldn't mind getting a gander of that Super 8 of yours some time if you're ever up this way...

You need to retake the pulse of the airport.............it is alive, well, growing, and home to an increasing number of cool airplanes.

I see you weren't influenced by Kahuna's comments...........that's ok, I figure Jerry pays him to say things like that or then again, maybe it is a mutual admiration society thing. ;)
You need to retake the pulse of the airport.............it is alive, well, growing, and home to an increasing number of cool airplanes.

Would one of them be yours?

I know, not very PC of me to declare 9A0 dead, or scientific... Just that I've been out there about a dozen times and have never seen anything coming or going, no hanger doors up, no activity at all... Glad to hear that things are happening there. It looks like they're building, hopefully there will be space for me to stash a plane some time in the future...
That picture was taken at Oshkosh 2007, standing near the north end of row 319. Best SWAG from the pic was about 11AM on Wednesday July 25.
That's a really cool F-86 scheme on that -4 that I won't be using now...

Ditto on not using the F-86 theme on my 8A (which would have looked great on a nose dragger). I guess it's gonna have to be option #2 which I ain't telling you guys about.

Here's what I had been planning. Thanks for nothing RV-4 dude - whoever you are.

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