
Well Known Member
Not to take anything away from Brians (or anyone elses) outstanding support of providing a condition inspection checklist to the RV community, as an alternative, I thought I would post a link to the one I keep on my website in PDF form for anyone that may be interested. Being that 95% of my work is on RV's I specifically tailored my checklist for the RV aircraft.

Link to RV condition inspection checklist PDF

Link to Word Document:

I'd also like to mention (so I don't get acused of something sinister like plagiarism), that I initially picked up this checklist from someone here on VAF and over the years have made updates/changes/revsions to suit my requirements. So thanks to whoever that was that originally provided it.
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That is a very nice checklist. I use one that is similar but I like your layout much more. Could you email me the word version? I would love to customize it for my plane.

[email protected]
Not to take anything away from Brians outstanding support of providing a condition inspection checklist to the RV community, as an alternative, I thought I would post a link to the one I keep on my website in PDF form for anyone that may be interested. Being that 95% of my work is on RV's I specifically tailored my checklist for the RV aircraft.

Link to RV condition inspection checklist PDF

I do have it available in word as well if someone wants to customize it or has input for improvement.

I'd also like to mention (so I don't get acused of something sinister like plagiarism), that I initially picked up this checklist from someone here on VAF and over the years have made updates/changes/revsions to suit my requirements. So thanks to whoever that was that originally provided it.

Thanks for sharing that, Walt!

Nicely done Walt. May I have a copy of the Word version too?
E-mail is below.

That is great!

Last week I sent Doug a note asking if he could create a page for the inspection lists, like what he did with the POH's.

(I've sent him a copy of my check list as a starting point.)

I have people from time to time asking about places that do RV condition inspections. What is your fee and general turn around time?
I charge $795 for 2 seater and $995 for the RV10 (parts and repairs not included). Average turn time is a week assuming I don't run into anything unexpected and the weather is not freezing me to death, 2 weeks if I run into a parts or repair issue out of the "norm". I tell people to count on 2 weeks OTS, if I can do better thats great but don't count on it.
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