Hey all,
Long term lurker, low count poster, RV-10 builder.

I am currently getting ready to start on my fuselage and wanted to start putting together a builders log to show off to family and friends what I have been working on. However, after doing some searching it looks like most of the options out there are very generic templates and require a ton of work to setup.

Being from an IT background I was wondering if anyone would be interested in an alternative.

My thoughts so far are to build a webapp that allows users to:
  1. Store Pictures Relative to a specific build step
  2. Log hours against each step
  3. Log comments with each uploaded photo
  4. Progress tracking via target/goal
  5. User search-ability. Say I am getting ready to drill the elevator horns and am stuck on what to do. I could quickly look at other users who posted pictures of their drilled horns and read their comments. This would be super simple, since thoughts and pictures are stored against a step
  6. Also, I think it would be great to add engine, airframe, and pilot log books to the site.
  7. Subscription and software update reminders, etc.

So with that in mind, would this be something you would be interested in and what else would you like to see added?

As with all things software development it will turn into a more than expected project for you taking away from your build time .. just a thought ;)
As with all things software development it will turn into a more than expected project for you taking away from your build time .. just a thought ;)

He's right. It's like fiddling with any project... you go into correct a font size and wind up replacing the entire back end stack... and then debug that for 3 weeks.
I admit thatI haven;t had time to look at the new FREE online builder’s log that EAA announced at Airventure...but it sounds to me like it should do what you want - and you dont; have to develop it.

hey hey! That's better! Plus I don't need to waste time building something. Awesome recommendation.

I do need a project to keep my AWS and c# ASP.net skills up to speed. Maybe make something a bit more fun now :)
KitLog is getting pretty old, but still works fine for me and does everything you noted. What we need is a mobile/web-based version with slightly larger pictures.
Here is the link to mine. I just started and only have 3 entries, but it?s easy. https://myeaa.org/?myproject&proj=7VvSW61l7

Mike Smith for the win! Sweet tip--it works great!

I've been meaning to renew my EAA membership for some time now, so I had to do that first...but it's an easy way to create a database for the project. Here I was going to do it the hard way with a Redmine server on my Linux file server here at home. But that would have required me to expose that to the WAN, which I'd rather not do. So this works out GREAT!

Thanks Mike!

You still there? I'm Kevin, I live in STL. I'm thinking of retiring and buying a kit to keep me out of mischief.