
Well Known Member
Sorry to be so late in posting this. I was honored to serve as the Contest Director for the U.S. National Aerobatic Championships in Salina, Kansas during the last week of September. This was the premier Nationals in Salina and due to the tremendous support of a very capable staff of volunteers and the support of a very welcoming airport and community the event was a great success! I had hoped that more RV pilots would compete but Oliver Spatscheck made the trip and finished with a score of 76.29% and a 17th place in a field of 24 in the Sportsman category. Oliver, I hope you had a great time and that you will share your impressions of the experience at Nationals with us. It's always a pleasure to spend some time at contests with Oliver. His enthusiasm for aerobatics is evident and his skills keep getting better with each competition.

Kathy and I drove our motor home to Salina from North Carolina and continued to Colorado after the contest in order to attend the 50th reunion of my Air Force Academy class of 1969. I tell people that and rather than asking me if it was a great reunion they immediately say "wow, you're old!"
Yes, I am and it was a great reunion. :) You youngsters fly safe... and inverted.