
Well Known Member
A busy weekend for RV aerobats! (Is that a word?) We have two new RV contestants: Jacob Stinton campaigned his RV-8 at Sebring and flew a very respectable 74.31% while Deidre Gurry flew her RV-6 to a 68.80% finish at the Lone Star contest. Welcome Jacob and Deidre. We hope you had fun and return for more. Patric "Balls" Coggin impressed the judges with his inverted spin and placed 4th out of 10 Sportsman flyers at Lone Star. It's great to see Randy King back in the box, though he is going to have to post some awesome scores to catch Coggin. I fought my way to a 5th place out of 8 at the Texas contest. The unknown sequence made me work just to finish the flight without a hard zero.

The contest season is just getting started. Take a look at the schedule and pick one near you. The first step is just showing up.

Good show and more to join the fun

Looks like the RVs are off to a good start this year. We had 11 RVers compete in 2018, and should increase that number this year. What a GREAT airplane and fun with my favorite IAC buddies.
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider,
Lower AL
Watching at KSLO

I see there?s an IAC event at KSLO next week. I?ve never been before and KSLO is only an hour away for me. I don?t want to get in the way flying in - will there be a NOTAM? Any other VAF guys going there to watch?
Thank you!
There should be a notam issued. If I recall, the box at SLO is typically north of the field. Keep your eyes peeled and stay out of the box upon arrival and you'll be fine. If you really want to be sure, email the contest director and he can tell you for sure where the box will be and what kind of arrival procedure you should use.

I plan on being there, weather permitting. I'll be in an orange and black Christen Eagle. Feel free to ask me any questions if you see me around.

Its still not to late to register for the contest....