
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

Wayne was so kind to send me a RV/Rocket Steering Link and I made him a short 30 second slow stop animation video of the replacement install, as a favour to him to promote his product.

If you are interested you can see it here:

PS: I Could not find a perfect category to post this in, so I'm putting in the General Discussion as "Vendor News". It is not really a For Sale item so it does not fit the Classifieds section, so if it is in the wrong place, I ask the moderators to please move it to the right place...Kind Regards, Rudi
thanks rudi-- i really enjoyed that. I met Wayne at OSH in the Rocket area and he mentioned he designed it.
tail link

mark manda said:
thanks rudi-- i really enjoyed that. I met Wayne at OSH in the Rocket area and he mentioned he designed it.

Wayne may have designed it, I don't know, but didn't Terry Jantz first start marketing it from Canada....That is who I purchased mine from some years ago..
Terry had a nice RV-6 if I remember correctly.
I know the web site is the same....just the name has changed.
do you have a link or purchase info? also, have you heard of a tailwheel or the bracket that is from a company who plates them?

wes king at Cable was saying it's from Rivet head or rivet bangers? also got a link for a tailwheel fairing?

are you thinking of using the Van's tailwheel or switch to the ones with better clearance? i.e. Bell or Vince Frazier?
