Ron Lee

Well Known Member
I never noticed if there is an opportunity for RV builders to get in a little stick time while at LOE. Is this mechanism in place and if not is there enough interest in getting such flight time?

Lots of rides given in the past. It's all informal...just strike up a converstion with a pilot and you might get a ride if you mention you've never had one.

DeltaRomeo said:

Lots of rides given in the past. It's all informal...just strike up a converstion with a pilot and you might get a ride if you mention you've never had one.


Sounds like a great idea..!

Hey Doug, How's the family? Is work going good? Sure is a beautiful looking aircraft you have there. I have never been in one. ;-)
ronlee said:
I never noticed if there is an opportunity for RV builders to get in a little stick time while at LOE. Is this mechanism in place and if not is there enough interest in getting such flight time?
You might want to try to get a ride to LOE in an RV. I rode with Robby Know in his -8 from Savannah to LOE. We had a great time. It was the only RV ride I got but I didn't ask anyone for a ride. If you really want a ride you probably should ask everybody you see for one and I am sure someone will give you.
RV-10 Rides at LOE

I plan on giving quite a few RV-10 rides at LOE2007. Just look for the Texas Tech RV-10 and the fat boy with the beard and ask.
If you need help in getting your 'significant' other on-board with the idea of building an RV, I very much enjoy giving those (always free) rides that might help you convince them, "We should do this!". Look for Tuppergal and me: We'll be there ;) Rosie

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Flight time scheduling

This post retracted since one element may have been contrary to FARs and I don't want to violate any of them.
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Ron Lee said:
I just ask that you pay for the fuel.
I remember Rosie gave me several rides while I was building mine, but he never asked for fuel $. That was when fuel cost less than 2 bucks a gallon, though...things have changed "a bit" since then. Even so, the deal I strike up with all of the builders I've given rides to since is: when yours is flying, give a ride to another builder. Just a way of paying forward all the generosity we receive while building.

I can't make it to LOE7, got an RV builder workshop in Riverside, CA that weekend. Dag bernit...
If someone has no desire to pay for fuel...

And they consider me asking for that to be unfair, then they are free to ask someone else. I don't consider it unreasonable.
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