
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
So...what do Louise Hose and Danny King now have in common?

(Keep it clean gentleman, we're talking about my wife....and I don't mean Danny!) ;)

Yup! Louise and Danny are the only people to have solo'ed the Valkyrie besides myself! She took her up on Saturday evening for about 45 minutes, shot some landings, and came back with a certifiable RV grin on her face. Another RV-8 pilot joins the ranks!

Now that she's done the easy part (flying the airplane), we get to start transitioning her to the avionics - this might just force me to finally write some readable documentation...;)

What was her take on what it was like to land the -8? It may be helpful to hear this opinion since there is a current thread floating with this topic...
Well gee Kirk, you kinda took all the fun out of that! Kill joy :D

It would have been a lot more fun if people had to work at the answer!

My guess would have been that they both have tee shirts like "I hate Paul" or maybe "Rocket Scientist's side kick" or something like that!

Well gee Kirk, you kinda took all the fun out of that! Kill joy :D

It would have been a lot more fun if people had to work at the answer!

My guess would have been that they both have tee shirts like "I hate Paul" or maybe "Rocket Scientist's side kick" or something like that!

My guess would have been Danny starting an RV-3.
What was her take on what it was like to land the -8? It may be helpful to hear this opinion since there is a current thread floating with this topic...

I'm sure she'll answer later on - she's currently stuck in an aluminum mailing tube on her way to Miami for work....
Piece of Cake

What was her take on what it was like to land the -8? It may be helpful to hear this opinion since there is a current thread floating with this topic...

I haven?t tried carrying a passenger, yet, so I can?t really add to that thread. But, the solo flight was wonderful.

As a pretty timid pilot, I have stressed for two years anticipating this event. I?ve done everything I could think of to prepare?and it seemed to work. The take-off and flight were nearly flawless. I did start to inadvertently lower the flaps in flight, when I confused the trim tab control, and I kept mixing Mikey?s and Val?s call signs in my radio calls, but I?ve heard Paul to that. Otherwise, the Val taxied, took off, and flew like an RV! And, Danny King was right. My first landing in the Val was probably the best wheel landing that I?ve ever made with the tailwheel staying up for at least three or four seconds after the no-bounce landing. (The second landing was more like my attempts at wheel-landings in the -6, but it showed me that I could land a less than perfect touchdown, too.) Paul asked me if I ever felt behind during the flight and I?m pleased to say I never did. Of course, I flew very conservatively and slowed down to 110 kts well before reaching the pattern.

I?ll admit it, flying the -8 was cooler than flying the -6. (Sorry, Mikey.:eek:) I?m really not sure why, but there was a greater sense of ?cool?. I noticed a slight shift in perception already that Mikey is a bit more of a sedan while the Val is a true sports car. I have a greater appreciation of why so many otherwise seemingly rational guys here on the forums have managed to convince themselves that their wives and girlfriends really prefer to spend long hours in imitation gynecological stirrups starring at the back of their husband?s head over snuggling close together with great views in a side-by-side RV. I can?t wait to put Paul in the back seat for a four hour flight!!!! (Truth told, I rode in the backseat of the Val yesterday with a whole new attitude. I think that riding in the back will no longer be annoying when I know that it will allow me the chance to fly in front, as well.)

The -8 has a slightly ?heavier? feel on the stick but the centerline view is pretty awesome. I also found the roll bar slightly annoying, being used to the unobstructed views of Mikey?s tip-up canopy. I?m sure one adjusts quickly, but I?ll continue rallying for an unobstructed view canopy on the -3. The lighter -3 without the slider ?rollbar? promises to be really mind-blowing! I?m really psyched to finish and fly ?Junior?! :)

Oh, as for the obvious difference, I have never had a moment of discomfort switching stick and throttle hands. I have always found that the transition from right-hand throttle to left-hand throttle and back is just a complete non-issue. The only confusion I experienced was remembering where to find the PTT (Val = right-hand, trigger switch; Mikey = left-hand, button).

..... I have a greater appreciation of why so many otherwise seemingly rational guys here on the forums have managed to convince themselves that their wives and girlfriends really prefer to spend long hours in imitation gynecological stirrups starring at the back of their husband’s head over snuggling close together with great views in a side-by-side RV.

...too funny:D

Congrats again...
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Originally Posted by Louise Hose
..... I have a greater appreciation of why so many otherwise seemingly rational guys here on the forums have managed to convince themselves that their wives and girlfriends really prefer to spend long hours in imitation gynecological stirrups starring at the back of their husband?s head over snuggling close together with great views in a side-by-side RV.
...too funny:D

One of the side effects of not having a woman in my life...I don't have anyone around to tell me I'm wrong when I make these sort of decisions... :D :D

Congrats, Louise!