Well Known Member
We all Love our RV's,

no matter what configuration they are. They are fun to fly, great traveling machines and always give me a renewed sense of life after a flight.
I had my first flight in January 2009 and have about 60 hrs on the airframe. I have never had a long cross country flight and when the SARL(sport air racing league) started up a few years ago, it was an event that got my attention. My pals Tom Martin and Wayne Hadath always had great stories of the races, and I longed to participate.
Well, the plane is finished, hours flown off, most of the gremlins dealt with, time available to get away from work, and a race in November in Taylor Texas. Hmmmm, things seem to be aligning well !! Now the weather gods just have to be nice !! Thankfully, they were.....kinda.
Like I mentioned, I have never been on a long cross country flight before, so there were lots of things going through my mind, what maps, controll zones, US Customs, Canada Customs, flight plans, flight routes, weather, weather,weather,the race, the plane performance, my abilities, lots of things !! Did I mention the weather? Anyway, I'm going to go, and time to sort this out one thing at a time!
The weather was a little troublesome, we left a day early, crossed the border in Sandusky Ohio and made it as far as Richmond Indianna KRID, before the weather stopped us.

Overnight stop in Richmond, the front passed through the nite(planned that !!) and airborne at 7am wednesday. 5 hours later, and a fuel stop, Taylor Texas was under our feet. 25 to 30 knot headwinds the whole trip down !! we were 9.1 hrs down, 6.8 hours back, about 1100 nm each way. We arrived Thursday, forecast for Friday was heavy rain, and they were right.
Skip ahead to race day.........
I was well prepared for the race before I left Southern Ontario. I had the race route entered into my gps, I had flown the course thanks to Google Earth and I had practiced the type of turn i was comfortable with for the race. I flew the plane at full power to see how it would react, and how different the controls would feel. The controls were abit heavier, but still lighter than the cherokee I used to own. I also did turns at full power to see what it was like. I admit, I was nervous before this was done. Was my engine going to make it? was my tail gonna depart? would my wing buckle? everyone said no, but there was always that little voice asking the questions.
All of my testing reassured me that this was a solid plane and flying it at full race settings was a non event. The extra air going through the oil cooler actually made it run cooler than what it does at 23 square. Full rich, balls to the wall......purring like a kitten. ya gotta love it !!!
So, here it is, time has come, plane is fueled with amount and reserves I am comfortable with(lots extra for me). The ramp is buzzing, pilots talking, trying to get race ready, taking extra stuff out of the plane for weight savings, photographers snapping away. Have to get everything completed before the race briefing. I am feeling anxious, nervous, excited......dang.....I gotta pee !!!!
All the pilots and race staff are throughly briefed on race course and rules(which are also provided ahead of time) and given the race order starting with the slowest entry. This is so you know who you are to follow amd who is following you should there be any passing on the course. The briefing concludes and all the pilots go to thier planes and start up and taxi out in the order given earlier. I am still feeling the way i was earlier but maybe a little more calm and focused. Will I get lost? hopefully not !!
My start time has arrived, the flagman drops the flag and off I go, headed for the start line 3 miles away for this race. I am following an RV6 and he is clearly in view a couple miles ahead. This is great, I wont get lost as long as I see him, and as long as he dosnt get lost !! Trust your gps ! Across the start line, balls to the wall, check engine moniter.....everything is perfect, oil is 195, cylinders are good temp,egt is 1325, fuel pressure good.....perfect, continue on racing. Frequent checks of the engine reveal it is quite happy running at 100 percent power, and probably blowing some carbon out too.
Turn 1 is now approaching, will I get the turn right? yes, no trouble, a complete non issue. I do notice that I am gaining on the plane in front of me, but this is a slow event as we are very near the same speeds. All passing is done to the right side of the forward aircraft, and radio calls of position are made. He is about a mile ahead, both in staright level flight heading to turn 2 some 28 miles away. I suddenly remember and say to myself "****, I forgot to open my ram air after take off", I open my ram air door and the plane gains another 1 inch of manifold pressure and I notice an instant increase in speed. I will be passing the plane ahead.......yea baby !!
Once the pass was complete, I thought, hmmm, there goes my tour guide, I am on my own know. The rockets that launched ahead of us are long gone and outta sight. Time to trust my gps, and I also had a current map of the area with the route on it beside me. No problem, not gonna get lost.
On my way to turn 2, pass completed, I find my self in a relaxed state?? What happened to all the nerves? I am flying the airplane at full power, gps has me on track, engine is running like a top, air is smooth, just me and the plane...... that feels so good, oh man, does that feel good. look down at groundspeed....196 kts....yea baby !!!!
The rest of the race is much the same as leg 2, I have settled down in a happy spot in my plane, engine is great and happy running full, navigation is a non issue, but most important, I am comfortable with racing now. I cross the finish line and head back to Taylor Airport to land. After the race everyone is one the ground recalling thier adventure over the past 45 minutes. Every comment is a memorable one. I find myself with adrenaline pumping and am very excited, not the calm that I felt during the race.

To best sum up the race itself, It was not the workload I had imagined. It was simple and at no time did I feel overloaded with tasks, it was completely safe and the most fun I have ever had in a plane(in the air that is). Why there are not 50 RV's out to every race is beyond me. You have to try it, if only just once, you owe it to yourself and your wonderfull flying machine to experiance this. Mike Thompson operates a first class event, and to all who participate and help with these.....THANK YOU. My life has become more fufilled because of it. I had a blast.
To all the rv'ers out here.....GET YOU'RE TAIL(#) TO A SARL RACE NEXT YEAR. even if your not racing, it is a wonderfull event and you will enjoy the people and surroundings and get a chance to exersise the rv.

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Great Write-up

We each come into this from different perspectives and it is very interesting to see you candid report of your experience after your first race. As we go on it is sometimes hard to appreciate the race experience as we did the first time.

Bob Axsom
What Gary did not mention was that his average speed was 186 knots, or 214 mph. That is a pretty good time for a brand new participant!
What Gary did not mention was that his average speed was 186 knots, or 214 mph. That is a pretty good time for a brand new participant!

Here, here!

Gary, you did a great job, and after hearing that it was all part of your first epic cross-country (and to the Republic of Texas ta boot! :D), I'm even more impressed!

And OBTW, these ever-the-humble-gentlemen from the great white north simply ROCK when it comes to racing! Mike Thompson doesn't need to feel bad about getting passed by a guy that built near the Tom Martin/Wayne Hadath Speed Skunkworks! :)

Nice write-up Gary, and I thought I'd add a few observations to add to the fun-factor here:

Felt the same as you going into the race (my second)...GPS programmed, map ready, notes set, practice complete...man, just don't hose up the turns, and run as fast as you can!

OK, how hard can it be...they'll probably start me behind all the Rockets, as this is the fastest group of Rockets on the planet...wait, Mark Frederick is starting behind me...yikes! His cooling issue is behind him and he'll be opening it up...man, I don't wanna get passed!

Taxi out in a big line up of REALLY cool planes. There goes Tom, then Greg blasts off with smoke on, and the runway is obliterated for a moment. "Hey, that's cheatin!". But then its just Cowboy Up time, its not a big deal, and probably looked way cool! And besides, it'll mess Wayne up more than me, and I'm chasin' Wayne! ;) You go Greg! (and it really was no big deal, just fun to write about!)

OK, off we go, left 270 overhead the airport, then look for the start. There goes Greg, then Wayne diving into the start...man that looks cool! Here goes the start run, much like a strafing run in the old fighters...yee haw...zorch down Mark's grass runway, past the start timers and photographers (and yes I want copies of the pics!), then slight right and head for turn 1. Run low, run fast...another yee haw!

Hearing the radio calls of the other racers, and seeing folks ahead making their turns. Be smooth in the turns...man there's Mark behind me, just going into turn 1 as I roll out of it...man I don't want to get passed! His calls may be getting a little closer to mine, but seems like he's not too much closer in subsequent turns...but he is there...chipping away slowly...and I know he wants to pass me...I would!!

Then I hear Mike taunting you a bit Gary (in a friendly Texas way) as you passed him, and I knew you were having a good race in that new -7. But I still had to hold off Mark! And oh, by the way, you weren't the only one to forget your Ram Air. The start was so fun, I didn't realize mine was still closed till turn 2. Maybe I'd have broken 240 MPH with it out the whole way (239.98 was my average).

Hit turn 5 (the radome), and the GPS dumped...yikes again! No biggie, right, it's only the longest leg of the race, with more time to get off course or get lost!! Geez, nice timing!! OK, roll back to my gouge heading (which I overshot while looking at the GPS go blank for just a second), then dive a little to regain some speed, then sort it out. Couple button pushes and my magenta line of truth and knowledge was back, and I was right on it. Mark later said his dumped there too, as did all the other Garmin GPSs that we know of (guess we found how low we could go 'round the radome! ;)). Mark also said he wondered why I made the sudden course correction, but also said he was following me because of the GPS dump (momentary blind leading the blind!)

Hit the last turn and dive for the finish, knowing Mark was right on me. Then Mark, in his best Texas Gentleman voice says, "I just can't catch ya Bob", and my day was made, and my RV Grin was a mile wide!

Then we got to join up for a great Texas BBQ! Could it get any better!?!?

Yep, more fun than should be allowed, and what a great group of pilots and friends. As Gary said, git yer tail # out there! It really is well run, but low key and friendly. A fly-in BBQ, with the chance to run low (if ya want) and fast (as ya can!).

Hope to see more of you out there, and Gary, Tom and Wayne...Aug 28th is on the calendar!! :D

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Canadian race

thats right Bob, August 28 in St.thomas Ontario, CYQS. Tom Martin is hosting it, and is a short flight from anywhere around the great lakes. Hopefully get a couple of handfulls of rv's. It really was a great time had by all and I am looking forward to it.
Recreational Racing

Man! Gary and Bob, nice write ups! I was reliving the whole thing! Thanks!
My garmin 196 did not quit when I went round the radar dome. I quess I went around too fast for it to catch me!;)
I asked on another thread if any body had any ideas why the RV crowd participation is so low in recreational racing. I would hope if there were questions or concerns about recreational racing that RVers would post these so discussion could be had.
F1 Rocket 425 hrs
RV 10 almost ready
snip...a short flight from anywhere around the great lakes...snip

Well I think my lake (Tahoe) is pretty great...but its still 1743 nm from St. Thomas! :D

I think I might have to race the Air Venture Cup, go to OSH, then pre-stage for the Great Canadian Air Rally. You guys have a corner of a hangar I can hide her in for a few weeks pre-race? ;)

Sure hope I can pull it off, as it would be great, great fun!

My garmin 196 did not quit when I went round the radar dome. I quess I went around too fast for it to catch me!;)

Either that, or the vacuum tube technology in the 196 was immune! :)
(Pretty big talk from a high tech 396 user, eh! And one that couldn't catch ya! ;))

...I asked on another thread if any body had any ideas why the RV crowd participation is so low in recreational racing. I would hope if there were questions or concerns about recreational racing that RVers would post these so discussion could be had.
F1 Rocket 425 hrs
RV 10 almost ready
Because you don't have an O-290 class. ;)
Because you don't have an O-290 class. ;)

Well now William, that new O-360 you're hangin' throws that excuse right out the window, now doesn't it! :) Ya gotta be there...mucho fun, and who knows, with Pierre out in his 10, and you in your 9, perhaps you'll be able to attract more of the same and have little grudge matches within the race, just for fun!

I can't wait to get into this :D

And we can't wait for you to be there, Axel! :) I'll meet ya on the way and we can cruise east to some races together. Any more wanna join the boondoggle! :D

And we can't wait for you to be there, Axel! :) I'll meet ya on the way and we can cruise east to some races together. Any more wanna join the boondoggle! :D


Sir, I think we met in Fallon NV. I was looking at an RV-4 kit there about 1.5 years ago. Someone gave me a tour of a red Super Six on the ramp.

Every time I hear about this races it gives me motivation.

I would like to host a race in Inyokern, CA (IYK). My concept is to go around R-2505. Take off out of IYK and return to IYK. The boundaries are shown on all GPS units.

Page 78 out of 95 http://www.edwards.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-070103-052.pdf


Sorry for the thread derail.
Snip...I think we met in Fallon NV. I was looking at an RV-4 kit there about 1.5 years ago. Someone gave me a tour of a red Super Six on the ramp.

Every time I hear about this races it gives me motivation.

I would like to host a race in Inyokern, CA (IYK). My concept is to go around R-2505. Take off out of IYK and return to IYK. The boundaries are shown on all GPS units...snip


I remember the meet, but never put two and two together that was you. I was out there, having brought a Navy buddy out to give a brief to VFC-13 that day. Small world!

I like your idea for a race. Around 2505 would be a pretty unique course,for sure...the Death Valley 150! (or something cool like that!) :) Count me in!!

I've also considered trying to host a race, perhaps the Stead 100 or 150. Maybe even somehow get a lap of the Reno course in there somehow too (though that would take some serious negotiations!). Figure I'll run some more races, get to know the ins and outs and see how good races are organized and run, then start looking into what it'd take to pull it off.

A couple more races further west would add to the breadth of folks SARL will appeal to, and perhaps get more RVs in the game!!

Good stuff!

Well now William, that new O-360 you're hangin' throws that excuse right out the window, now doesn't it! :) Ya gotta be there...mucho fun, and who knows, with Pierre out in his 10, and you in your 9, perhaps you'll be able to attract more of the same and have little grudge matches within the race, just for fun!

Dang it, I knew I should not have posted my plans on this web site or changed the VAF data plate on the plane to list the new engine. "If ya ain't cheating, ya ain't trying!" ;)

Remember, with the ground adjustable prop I will have, I can tune that thing for all out speed. Granted my takeoff runs might grow a little bit but that won't be an issue. This could get interesting.

One of the reasons I never ran the O-290 hard was that I couldn't find replacement parts and that engine had a 1500 TBO. This ECi engine is a whole 'nother game.

Not to mention some of the speed mods I hope to do while I have it home. Time to get started on them.

Maybe we should do a race out here on the right coast. Then we can stop at some place like Hilton Head Island for some good sea food when it is all done. Only one change, we would run it like we do our chapter's "navigational challenge", no GPS or nav devices other than a compass allowed. That should make it interesting.
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Races in East

All of these excellent reports on the racing is great. As a veteran of this type of racing you guys have gotten me all fired up again. It is cool to see how excited new racers are. Anyone who avoids these events is really missing out on an excellent way to use your RV. As many have said before, SARL races are a great way to use your airplane for fun and the other people doing this are ready to welcome you.

For those in the East/ Southeast US consider the Oct. race in Courtland, Al. near Huntsville Decatur. Please watch the schedule as there is talk about having a spring/early summer race there too.

Chris Murphy
RACE 34 RV-4 "Mister Twister"
need more northern races

Now, if we could only get more races in the north east,I might be able to get to more of them. Theses events really are a good time. It gives a whole new perspective to flying and is a great way to spend the weekend.
Thanks for jumping in, Pierre! Don't forget the Race To Ridgeland, Bill (www.racetoridgeland.com) which will be held next year on Saturday, May 1. 2010.

We had official SARL sanction for a separate but equal Sport Aircraft Racing League race in conjunction with the R2R, but no one showed for it. We ran the R2R though with good participation (plenty of pictures on the R2R website) and everyone had a great time---especially me. With my Rocket finished, I might even run it myself next year.

Next years R2R will feature our now standard 125 nm flat-out race, a spot landing contest that has traditionally been a great competition as well, and for the first time next year, a balloon busting contest. We will certainly consider trying to run a SARL race again next year if Mike Thompson is up for it, but I certainly would like to see a reasonable level of participation in return for the effort it takes to put one on. How about it, SARL racers---anyone up for a race in the balmy Southeast in May?

Hope you will consider participating Bill, and be sure to bring the whole NC crowd. Schreck comes down nearly every year and usually takes home a trophy for his efforts too!

Hope to see you all there and you too, Pierre!

There were two problems with the SC race last year

Another SARL race was scheduled on the same day in Abilene, TX and the weather in the mid-south. I personally decided to fly in the South Carolina race but the weather prevented any flying here in northwest Arkansas. The race in Abilene was cancelled because of the weather. The weather is a problem that will always exist but unfortunately the exact same schedule conflict exists again in 2010. With the small number of SARL Racers in the east it is probably not worth your effort to try again in 2010. If you do I will plan on coming but I don't want to race alone either.

Bob Axsom
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No one said nuthin' about not cheatin'! ;) (Well, as long as its not cutting course corners!) I just wanted to shred your last excuse not to come on out and play! I see you took the bait on the SARL Yahoo Group, and will respond there as well...but glad you are really rarin' to go!

And as far as cheatin' goes...I promise not to use my GPS in your race! (OK, I may run the course 5 times before race day, but I...won't...turn...my...GPS...on. Far as you know!) :D

Man, with all these races, all I need is more time and more gas money! Hmmm, if my wife can get into nursing school, get a good job, then maybe...I better just stop right there! Gonna try to make as many as I can next year!


Dang it, I knew I should not have posted my plans on this web site or changed the VAF data plate on the plane to list the new engine. "If ya ain't cheating, ya ain't trying!" ;)

Remember, with the ground adjustable prop I will have, I can tune that thing for all out speed. Granted my takeoff runs might grow a little bit but that won't be an issue. This could get interesting.

One of the reasons I never ran the O-290 hard was that I couldn't find replacement parts and that engine had a 1500 TBO. This ECi engine is a whole 'nother game.

Not to mention some of the speed mods I hope to do while I have it home. Time to get started on them.

Maybe we should do a race out here on the right coast. Then we can stop at some place like Hilton Head Island for some good sea food when it is all done. Only one change, we would run it like we do our chapter's "navigational challenge", no GPS or nav devices other than a compass allowed. That should make it interesting.
Another SARL race was scheduled on the same day in Abilene, TX and the weather in the mid-south. I personally decided to fly in the South Carolina race but the weather prevented any flying here in northwest Arkansas. The race in Abilene was cancelled because of the weather. The weather is a problem that will always exist but unfortunately the exact same schedule conflict exists again in 2010. With the small number of SARL Racers in the east it is probably not worth your effort to try again in 2010. If you do I will plan on coming but I don't want to race alone either.

Bob Axsom

Hope you all can resolve your schedule conflicts. I was all set to fly my first SARL race at Ridgeland and defend my title as well, but an unplanned hospital visit took priority in 2009. I'll be there in 2010. There are lots of postential RV racers in the SE. Hope we can develop some local venues.
Well, all righty then...It's my call, so someone give me a date in May. Don't forget to deconflict with Mother's Day and other Southeastern airshow dates. What does the 15th of May sound like? Any SARL or other regional conflicts that anyone knows of at this point?


I don't see a May 15 Conflict

Well, all righty then...It's my call, so someone give me a date in May. Don't forget to deconflict with Mother's Day and other Southeastern airshow dates. What does the 15th of May sound like? Any SARL or other regional conflicts that anyone knows of at this point?



I checked Calendar of Events at www.sportairrace.org and the only date I see in May that is scheduled currently is May 1, 2010. See below:

Races Scheduled For 2010
These are SARL-sanctioned races where
placing will accumulate points towards
your League total.

3 April, 2010
Taylor 100 Air Race
Taylor, TX

24 April, 2010
Texoma 100 Air Race
Sherman, TX

1 May, 2010
BCAF & Air Race
Abilene, TX
(Dyess AFB)

5 June, 2010
West Texas 100 Air Race
Plainview, TX

12 June, 2010
NorthEastern Air Race
Toughkenamon, PA

7 August, 2010
Ozarks Air Race
Eureka Springs, AR

28 August, 2010
The Great Canadian Air Rally
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada

25 September, 2010
Pagosa Springs 100 Air Race
Pagosa Springs, CO

2 October, 2010
Grace Flight Air Race
Sherman, TX

16 October, 2010
Memphis 100 Air Race
Memphis, TN

30 October, 2010
TVARIII and Pumpkin Dash
Courtland, AL

20 November, 2010
Rocket 100 Air Race
Taylor, TX