Gary Nannini

I'm New Here
Hi folks...Brand new here. I'm looking for an RV 4 or RV 6A...if I can land 'em someday. I've got a 1,400 ft. grass strip, obstacle on one end, infinity on the other. Elevation is 700 ft. MSL. I've seen all the specs, and on paper it seems it can be done. Could any of you flying the 4 or 6A do it? Vortex generators...CS prop...160 hp...180! Your wisdom is truly appreciated! Thanks.
Gary, I cant help you with the specifics, but I would like to welcome you aboard the site.

Dont worry, your questions will be answered soon.
No problem

Lots of posts on short fields if you do a search, but you will have no performance issues with either airplane powered with 150-180hp. Piece of cake.
Getting out of that strip into the clear direction will not be a problem unless conditions are stacked against you - tailwind, hot, heavy, wet ground, soft ground, high grass, or a combination of these.

As far as landing on 1,400', what do you fly today? If you have good short field technique, 1,400' should be adequate coming from the clear direction (barring a tailwind), but you will need to pay attention to speed and you'll need to be decisive on the go-around.

I strongly suggest finding an aircraft with a C/S prop. Also, unless the wind is pretty strong, your strip will essentially be a one way strip.
Thanks for the input everyone...I've got the feeling I'll be flying out of the airport for awhile to say the least! I'm in the Nashville area...any 6As for sale around Tennessee? Are there any "pre-buy RV" folks out there that do inspections? Certain items relavent to an RV that one needs to look for?
Thanks. Gary
I would hope that a 4 or 6 would be able to get out of a 1400 foot strip. My 68 cardinal with the 150 hp fix pitch prop has been flying out of a 1380 foot gravel strip 600 foot elevation with 4 foot fence on both ends, for the past 20 years. I will say if there is a hiccup, there is a good chance of tearing up some corn fields. I do limit my weight, but the cardinal's weight empty is 1470 with a gross of 2350 lbs. Most of the times I take off around 2100 lbs and have plenty to spare. Having cornfields on both ends I do not have to worry about down wind takeoffs as you would.
I've been flying my -6 out of a 1500', Texas strip for many years. I have about 175 hp with a Catto 3-blade. I have a 6' high railroad at the south end. Hot summer at gross weight no problem. I started out with a "tired" 150 hp and a Warnke wood prop. It worked then, but it's more comfortable now.
You can see a picture at Short Stop Airport (8TA5).