
Active Member
Hi to all,
I'm curious if there are A&P's in the northern VA/MD/WV area with experience in RV's or experimentals to do a pre-buy in Northern VA? (the RV-3 on Barnstormers caught my eye).

Anyone with any recommendations of someone they would trust?

Ryan in Madison, WI
Try contacting Dick Koehler:
[email protected]

He's a member of our local EAA Chapter (186), is an A&P/IA, tech counselor, and SportAir Workshop Instructor (you can see him in a number of the EAA how-to videos on line).

I'm not sure if he'll do a pre-buy, but if he won't I'm sure he'll have a good recommendation on whom you might try.
Rob "Smokey" Ray at 863-397-1657 is one of the best in my opinion.
You can find him commenting many places on this site.