
Question for anyone out there in the community that may have come across this: has anyone bought a flying RV and decided the POH needed to be redone or updated? My understanding is that an experimental airplane's airworthiness certificate (AC) can specify that the airplane must be operated IAW its POH. This implies that the POH is a fixed set of documented operational practices and operational limits for a particular airplane so certified. If I rewrite the POH, have I voided the AC? If so, is there a way I can legally re-perform the testing phase and create a new POH and re-certify?
Any advice welcome.
The rules may have changed over time, and they are different for those aircraft in the experimental light sport category (e.g., most -12?s). But for typical EAB RVs (RV7, RV10), there is an ?operating limitations? document. That is what governs and is required to be on-board. For such airplanes a POH is completely optional, and you may re-write it as you wish.
Thanks Bob! I did find other discussions that were similar in nature and I think I understand the situation now. I am making some transitions from being a "certified" airplane flier to an "EAB" flier! :) Since I didn't build my RV myself, I am finding myself wanting of specific information so I can learn the things about this airplane like I would transitioning from say a C172 to a C206. Don't get me wrong, the builder and previous owner provided lots of great records and data, but not organized in the best possible way and not always complete. I'm just going to have to work through it all and fill in the gaps as needed to get everything up to my own nit-picky standards! LOL! Part of the adventure of owning an experimental, right? :D