
Well Known Member
So, my daughter Gianna, the Journalism major, had an assignment to put together a photo story. She decided to do one on me and the RV so Sunday, we took a short flight from KRHV to KLVK.

She took about 600 pictures but the assgnment only allowed her to use 10. She wasn't too happy about that. This morning, I awoke to an email from her with the following link. I guess she spent some time putting together the photo story that she wanted to do. Enjoy:

EDIT: I just tried to watch it again and I couldn't hear the music this time. Sometimes Youtube pulls off the music due to copyright issues. Hopefully they didn't do that. If they did, just hum Tom Petty's "Learing To Fly" as you watch.
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That was well done. She has a great eye for composition. Especially in the beginning--I could almost smell the fuel. How do you tell that story in 10 photos!? Nutty teachers... :rolleyes:
Tell her great job Kelly. My daughter is in the journalism program at WKU. I can identify with the pride you are feeling. Great pick of music to accompany the photos. I didn't care to have to purchase her Mac for her but all in all money well spent. Those other avionics will just have to wait.
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Dad and Daughter History

Thanks for posting, Kelly. Captures an RV flight about as well as it can be done . . . the black-and-white ?historical? touch was very nice. Gianna is definitely talented!

Thanks for the kind words. I'll pass them on.

I just tried to watch it again and I couldn't hear the music this time. Sometimes Youtube pulls off the music due to copyright issues. Hopefully they didn't do that. If they did, just hum Tom Petty's "Learing To Fly" as you watch.
Nice, Kelly. Having met her, I'm not surprised- give her my regards and congratulations!
Thanks very much

Kudos to your daughter for her very nice work, and thank you for posting.

I've been trying to view this since it was first posted; first the security on the machines at work, then problems with viewing it on a mobile device kept frustrating me.
Finally was able to view the video at home today; it's a great story, well assembled, and well presented. Your daughter has a good eye for interesting details.

CINCHOUSE heard me laughing ("do not open in flight" label on the canopy lock) and walked over in curiosity.
We also have a 9a, but I've not finished flight testing; she's only seen the outside.
Seeing yours on the ground and in flight, and seeing places we recognize, keeps the interest up and motivation strong.
Great video! Congratulations on the fun plane and talented daughter. In the last shot, I'm usually sitting in the second seat from the left:D