
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I hope these folks don?t mind, but I am going to name some names?..

We are living in an amazing community ? and by ?we?, I mean everyone who is involved in building and flying these remarkable aircraft that came out of the Van?s design team. AS remarkable and amazing as the aircraft are, they pale in comparison to the people that we meet as part of our journey.

I just got back from a beautiful sunset test flight of the Valkyrie ? a test flight because I just finished putting her back together around a brand new mixture cable. Yesterday, when the mixture cable froze up, I looked at the calendar and realized that IF Vans had one in stock, and IF I got to them first thing Monday morning, and IF they shipped it immediately, I would still have a tough time getting it installed for some traveling during this upcoming holiday week. Realizing that nothing could happen in the commercial world until Sunday, I put out a note just about 24 hours ago, asking if anyone might have a cable that they could spare. I got an immediate response from Mike Draper up in Massachusetts, saying that he?d be ready to ship me his first thing Monday morning ? just let him know. Then today I got a message and phone call from Ed O?Quinn, up in Conroe (on the north side of Houston), saying that he had one I could use. When I said I?d drive up and get it, he said ?Nonsense! I?ll fly it right down to you!?

So in less than an hour, Ed had taxied up to the hangar, cable in hand, and said ?OK, let?s get to work and get it installed!? Not only did he bring the cable, but two good hands to help with what was clearly not a one-man job. He hung around as long as I needed, then launched away into the clear blue skies.

But wait ? this is only part of the story ? which I am, in truth, going to tell backwards.

Yesterday was the monthly Houston RV Builder?s group lunch. I took along William Slaughter, and RV builder from this side of town, and gave him a chance to fly a bit, as his machine still has some assembly required. AT the fly-in, I got to look at Gary Haley?s great-looking RV-7 project ? fastidious work, and getting it?s engine hung next week. The lunch was at Gary?s home airpark, and he hosted the burgers. Friendly conversation and exchanges of building tips were enjoyed by all.

Now let me go back another couple of days. Early in the week, I got a call from Captain Ron Leach, asking if I could introduce his boss to the RV world by giving him a ride. I met him after work on Monday and had a great time talking with a man who owns the T-28 (and other planes) that Ron gets to fly. They are building an RV-7, and it sounds like it is going to be pretty nice.

I wrote last week about the weekend leading up to that ? getting re-acquainted with an old elementary school friend building an RV-6 in Oklahoma. That was after having breakfast with the Fort Worth gang on Saturday and hearing about their morning formation practice ? Jay Bird, Scorch, Sky, and a bunch of others always go out of their way to make me feel welcome. And that was after an evening visit the night before from another builder in the Waco area who heard I was going top be nearby, and wanted to stop and say hi, and look at the plane.

What is that ? 8 days? And more contacts with RV People than I can even count. All friendly, all willing to help if help is needed, all willing to share their experience and lend a hand. And along the way, I traded emails with others, sharing the few things I have learned, and receiving even more in return.

We all share a common bond, a bond which reminds me of my younger days when I was a member of a team of divers. We shared risks and adventures, and even though that was more than 25 years ago ? if I got a call from one of them, today saying they needed my help on the far side of the world, I would do anything I could to get there.

RV People ? the best reason of all to build, own, and fly one of these machines! Thanks everyone ? you make life grand! :D

Amen to that, Paul. RV people are great.

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving. Time for a little bit of relaxing on the high seas for our thanksgiving vacation. Think I can land an RV on a cruise ship?
I crew for a couple of hot-air balloon pilots in West Texas, and this sounds very much like the kind of folks we find at the balloon rallys. Good people all - we go to the rallys more for the visiting and fun than for anything else. If the weather cooperates and we get to fly, that's just icing on the cake.

We got to tether yesterday in Alpine TX - gave about 150 rides.
Yea, I checked all the cables I had but all were 50" and below. Ed is a very nice guy that I hang around when I'm at the Airport. Congrats on getting it fixed Paul!
Ironflight said:
I hope these folks don?t mind, but I am going to name some names?..

We are living in an amazing community ? and by ?we?, I mean everyone who is involved in building and flying these remarkable aircraft that came out of the Van?s design team. AS remarkable and amazing as the aircraft are, they pale in comparison to the people that we meet as part of our journey.


HI Paul,

I posted a similar deal a few weeks ago. This is wonderful group of people with more and more becoming part of the fold every month.

Your story is no surprise at all. What an incredible network. There are not to many places you could get stranded for very long!!!
This is great... I just had a rather lukewarm experience with a few people on another e-mail list. It just goes to show me again how friendly and open minded the RV group is... There is no way that the people in that group would be as friendly to the varity of peoples and airplane types we have here... I love the RV group.
Here Here

Just had two people stop by the shop yesterday. As I have always said, it is the not the airplane it is the people. With that said..................the painter sprayed BLACK over the weekend!!!!!!!!!
The stories are andless Paul and its always about the people.
Yesterday, while on my annual pilgramage Atlanta to NM, I landed in Winters Texas to attended and unplanned funeral. This is one of those strips in Texas where there is no one but me gonna be there. But not yesterday.

I park on the ramp and this man walks out from one of 2 hangers and says:
"Hey, I know you, Your Kahuna!"
"Yep thats me, how'd you know that?"
"I recognize your plane from Doug's web site. You have the Super 8. And here I am now drooling over it....."

And the conversation continues like only a Texan knows, and before I know it, we are pushing her into the other hanger for my overnight. He owned both hangers with a 6A in the other one. He hands me the hanger key and off I go with my grandma to attend a funeral.

Grandma was very impressed that I land in nowhere's ville Texas and the only person within miles knows me and puts me in his hanger.

I tell Grandma, who is normally not impressed with this homebuilt stuff, "See grandma, this RV stuff is pretty cool huh?"
"Well I guess so son" see says.

RV folks rock!
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Glider club vs. VAF and EAA

I'd like to add my experiential differences between membership in a glider club and the VAF and EAA communities.

The club was rife with a grouchy bunch of wealthy middle-aged males who were reluctant to accept you into their fold unless you had the latest, greatest, most expensive glider. There was some, but very little, camaraderie or events outside of weekend flying. Club activities were all about badges and records. Pilots who just enjoyed thermaling within range of the airport were in a lower caste. It was ironic listening to these "glass-holes" whine about the ever decreasing club membership.

I have only been lurking about and been a member of a local EAA chapter for a couple of months. I am only 1/3 of the way through my empennage. In that short time, I have enjoyed monthly breakfasts with the EAA chapter, met a large handful of local RV builders, and spent countless hours talking RV with them. I have had countless ride offers. I recently made a deal to purchase a set of fuselage stands from a VAF member who said to just send him a check when I receive them! I have received numerous immediate responses to any problem I've posted on this message board.

My experiences with the RV community have already re-inspired me to keep on riveting despite several discouragements. I appreciate you all!

OK, enough smarminess. Back to work. I have ambulances to chase!
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I didn't expect this

I remember looking around at various aircraft as I tried to decide what to build. When talking to owners of other makes (or their kit providers,) it was common to hear something like, "You don't want an RV, everyone has one of those."

Well, they were wrong.

Only the nicest people own them. I have always thought pilots were great. Homebuilders in general seem to be special, even among pilots. But this RV community IS special. A story: Four hours before I was to leave for Osh '05 my mother died. I called one friend and told him I wouldn't make it and why. He was also building a 9A. After the funeral, I decided to go up for the close of the show. I can't count how many people who, when I introduced myself, said, "Sorry about your mom." That's when I knew.

I had narrowed the organizations I belonged to down to my church, the NRA, and the EAA. That day I knew I belonged to the RV community. I am one proud and happy member.

Bob Kelly
RV Builders

I have to agree with everything said on the previous posts. We are lucky to be involved in the best hobby in the world. The hanger situation is a familiar one, I called ahead to an airport for a hanger, none available. After landing and fueling up surprise! surprise! RV builder with a hanger.

As for the friendly nature of the group I can say that after dealing with close to a thousand builders in the last 1.5 years we are very lucky to be a part of this community. The worst thing that I get is "How come you can't get my plane here any faster"? I remember calling Vans and doing the same thing.

A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to spend a few hours with Van one on one. It?s very clear why this group works, Van is a man with a passion and a clear vision on his hobby. Top down, it starts at the top and runs right through the whole group. Good stuff.
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I agree with all the previous posts in this thread. But I also would like to add Doug Reeves to the list of folks who help make the RV community what it is. After all, he had the vision to get this Forum set up and continues to keep it going daily. It must be a work of love, commitment, dedication...whatever good word you choose to use. I had the privilege to meet Doug several years ago and have enjoyed the few times I've been in his company. He's the kind of guy you could spend a few minutes with talking about almost anything, especially RV's, and then you'd realize you'd just spent a few hours.
I haven't met Paul other than by email, but from his posts and email, I feel a kindred spirit. So undoubtedly others appreciated his participation in this forum by his many helpful posts, and when it was time for him to ask for help, someone recognized him and came through. Another example of that saying that was on a puzzle I had as a child, "You get out of life just what you put into it."
I am constantly amazed at how quickly we can communicate with this forum.
Thanks, Doug, for making all this possible...and maintaining it.
And Thanks and Congratulations, Paul, for contributing and then receiving.
P.S. I just realized as I concluded my post that Thursday is Thanksgiving. So maybe that's my Thanksgiving message. Everyone have a safe holiday this weekend!!!