
Well Known Member
I'd like to meet my fellow RV owners at Denver Centennial sometime this summer. If you're one of them, either reply or PM me and we'll set up a time to meet. My RV-8 is parked up at Alpha North.
I'd like to meet my fellow RV owners at Denver Centennial sometime this summer. If you're one of them, either reply or PM me and we'll set up a time to meet. My RV-8 is parked up at Alpha North.

My project is at Rocky Mountain Metro, but my office is at Centennial. I fly out of centennial (rentals at present) and just couldnt see myself doing a first flight from here, circling the airport at full throttle while dodging the incoming jets.

If you haven't heard about the Wednesday EAA lunch at Metro, it's certainly worth checking out. 15-25 gents typically show up, several of whom are RV8 guys, the rest just wish they were!
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If you're at Centennial during weekdays, I can swing by and we can have lunch at Perfect Landings.

I'd like to meet my fellow RV owners at Denver Centennial sometime this summer. If you're one of them, either reply or PM me and we'll set up a time to meet. My RV-8 is parked up at Alpha North.

PM sent.

Jim Berry
My project is at Front Range, but my office is at Centennial. I fly out of centennial (rentals at present) and just couldnt see myself doing a first flight from here, circling the airport at full throttle while dodging the incoming jets.


That is exactly what I did for my first flight at Centennial and it was no problem. Talked to the tower beforehand and agreed on a course 500 ft above pattern altitude. They were very accommodating; even gave me a quick roll out so I didn't have to worry about overheating my new engine. Within gliding distance at all times.

Jim Berry
Hi folks,

A buddy of mine and I are looking at RV's. We both work down at the Air Force Academy, but I fly rentals out of KAPA. Would enjoy meeting with you. Did someone say there is a Wed. lunch? If so, PM me, and I will see if I can make it next week.


VAF 2013 member

Don't make me regret inviting you a year ago.

Haha! I knew you would bite! An invite I greatly appreciate. You know I was just tweakin ya....

It really was almost exactly a year ago, eh? Time flies when you're having fun! I may miss the lunch again this, it really is inconvenient lately. You know you want to come to Oshkosh!

Jim, are you in the Charlie hangers next to Aspen? If so, I said hello one day while you were loading balast into the front seat for a phase 1 flight. You looked task focussed so I didn't say much more. It's good to hear that KAPA controllers were easy to deal with. Not surprising I guess as they really are pretty good...just busy.

Joe, lunch sounds and blue at the Landing is a habit I am a little too fond of.
Hey Joe, I hangar with Mr. Bill...and I might add, we have been spending entirely too much time together at the hangar lately! :)

Lima hangar row, unit A3...stop by anytime, door will be open. I am usually there after 4pm on most weekdays...and quite a few weekends as I try and finish up my -7. We have several RV's finished or in progress in our hangar row...all great guys.

Edit: oops, read your OP wrong Joe...we are at BJC, not APA...but the invite is still open if you are out in our neck of the woods.
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Hey Joe, I hangar with Mr. Bill...and I might add, we have been spending entirely too much time together at the hangar lately! :)

Too much time? With me? I don't understand Ron. I thought we were bonding. No relationship is perfect you know. I feel like you're expecting too much of me. Perhaps we should seek couples counseling? You send mixed signals you selfish jerk. I hate you.
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Too much time? With me? I don't understand Ron. I thought we were bonding. No relationship is perfect you know. I feel like you're expecting too much of me. Perhaps we should seek couples counseling? You send mixed signals you selfish jerk. I hate you.

Maybe I'll wait for you guys to iron out your relationship before I venture up to BJC. :D
Jim, are you in the Charlie hangers next to Aspen? If so, I said hello one day while you were loading balast into the front seat for a phase 1 flight. You looked task focussed so I didn't say much more. It's good to hear that KAPA controllers were easy to deal with. Not surprising I guess as they really are pretty good...just busy.


Sounds like you were talking to Space Cadet, one row East. He has a white with red trim -10 with a Catto prop. I am in bravo 14. Plane is purple and yellow; hard to miss.

Jim Berry
Hard to miss it right!

Yeah, Jim's plane is hard to miss all right! Yep, it was probably me, if it was about a year ago. Finished Phase 1 in time for OshKosh and enjoying it since. Sorry if I didn't get to talk. Come by anytime (C-5, third from end).
