
I flew up to Sky Harbor airport in Duluth yesterday with a couple friends. We were planning to land, cab it downtown for some lunch and sightseeing, and grab a cab back to the airport.

10 minutes after we landed, a beautiful white w/ red 9A touched down and parked at one of the hangers. We walked over to take a quick look and met Rick who owned the plane. After some conversation about his RV, Rick soon offered us a ride into town and gave us a great recommendation for lunch.

I wanted to say thanks to Rick and also to the other great RV owners I have met this past year in MN - Pete Howell, Tom Berge, and others have been incredibly kind to offer rides and answer tons of questions about building and ownership.
that's a great little airport. I think it's the Lake Superior version of Meigs. It's a little weird turning from downwind to base and stare straight at the departure end of Richard Bong Airport,tho.

and good thing you got a ride. Last time I was up there, a cab cost $10 to go something like three miles.

The airport there is under some pressure because they're about to cut some old-growth trees. they might shorten the runway, from what I understand.

I almost never read anything about an EAA chapter or an airport group there so I'm not sure it has very strong supporters based there that could hold off its eventual closing.
Sky Harbor in Duluth is a fun place to land. With the beautiful weather I'm sure there was a lot of activitiy in Duluth this weekend. We had Kraut Fest at Breezy Point this weekend and planes were flyinig into and out of the airport for about 4 hours. What a great weekend. I noticed a light green RV4in the group, I'm wondering who was up at Breezy Point with the RV4? The MN Wing is a great group.:)

Back when I was in high School, I'd finance my flying by recruiting a few friends that wanted to go to Duluth for dinner, and we'd split the costs to land at Sky Harbor, cadge a ride to downtown, eat the giant Prime Rib at the Chinese Lantern, then waddle back to the airplane and hope we could get back off before going in the water for the flight home...;)

Great Airport!

(Just watch out for the poison ivy on the beach dunes - it is more potent than any other known species!)
It is a great place!

One of the few where it's still fun to set out a couple lawn chairs, sit back, and watch what's going on.

Taxi ride to town is more like 6 miles each way, and especially during the summer weekends you get to contend with the lift bridge, which can back up traffic for miles. I'm guilty of making it go up, as I race sailboats out on the lake.

Beach is 100 ft. from the airport. Not sure what the latest is on the trees, but I heard something about a displaced threshold. It is a fragile environment, but most of the complainers/activists have built or bought beach property on Park Point, which has its own environmental ramifications!

If anybody needs a ride into town, send me an email to [email protected] and I'll do my best to make it happen.
Adam - you were correct about the displaced threshold. Here is a pic of our turn to final for 32:
