Ya sure U betch A

martinkh said:
Has anyone rigged skis? Seems like a taildragger RV would be a decent plane for snow ops.
You know there has been a float plane RV-6, which is similar to skis.

I think its doable, but don't recall seeing a RV on skis, but its experimental, so go for it. I don't know the specifics of ski design, but it sounds like you know about that. I know AC 43 13-1B, chap 9 has a section on floats and skis. It should be just a matter of taking the wheel fairings and wheels and brakes off and putting some skis on? You need some guide wires and anchor points right? That is doable. I take it you live in the hinterlands, burrrrr. Stay warm. You can always move to Florida. :D
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I have never seen it, but when my plane is done I may just try it for the kicks of it all!

This winter I am going to get some ski time in with a 180 Skywagon. M57 (Rangeley, Maine) is all packed down all solid like by snow sleds and should serve quite well for the plane.

Come on SNOW!!!