
Well Known Member
I think of all the articles I've written about RVs over the years, this one elicited the most reaction. I also made mention of my father in law in the one Kitplanes article I penned, which also got some nice letters.

I'm sorry to report that Don Thurston, my father in law, passed away a few hours ago after a wickedly brutal last few months with Parkinson's.


When my wife visited him a few months ago (she's back East now, too), and he was in and out of, well, reality, he'd always react when she told him about how the RV was coming along. In one of his hallucinatory states, he was looking for help removing a window, so I'd be able to "get the RV out." We still don't know what he meant by that but we told him the RV was "out" and he went back to sleep.

He was, of course, a good man. A radio broadcasting pioneer from the old school, who ran several small market radio stations until just a few years ago. They served their community with lots of local news and support; the kind of service we'll never see in this country again.

It will be one of my biggest regrets that I didn't get the RV finished in time to give him a ride.

I put a little online tribute to him together here.

Update 10:32 a.m. - I meant to point out, I've always had people autograph the plane when they help on it. Don put his on the rear side of the subpanel, a good spot for mounting stuff.


I won't be mounting anything there, however. Thanks for your kind words. Carry on.
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It hurts, Bob...

...to read this. He had a pair of rather large shoes to fill, according to what you've told us. A life well lived.

Our prayers,
That's a beautiful tribute. Our condolences to you and your wife.

Made me miss my Dad all over again, although he's been gone 12 years now. That's a good thing to do from time to time.


Condolences from Becky and Myself. Can't wait until you fly your RV in tribute.
Sorry for your loss, Bob. Tough news. Sounds like he lived a great life, and obviously had a great family.

...to read this. He had a pair of rather large shoes to fill, according to what you've told us. A life well lived.

Our prayers,

No better tribute could be paid to this man than to follow his example.

Sorry you have to go through this Bob. Best wishes for better days.
Bob, as you know too well, one of the realities of life is seeing one's parents, and parents-in-law, grow old and pass away. It is difficult. My sympathies to you and your family as you grieve the loss of this giant of a man.
P.S. Your video tribute to his life was first class!
Bob, I'm very, very sorry for your family's loss.

You'll be in our thoughts.

With sympathy,
Doug and Susie

Sincerest condolences to you and your wife, Bob. It seems you and your father-in-law shared many common interests. That makes it even harder to take, and we all understand. A life well lived says so much...

These sad notes remind us of so much; the importance of making the most of "it," sharing our loves, lives and pleasures, and how important friends really are.

God bless and comfort.

Bob Kelly
Very sorry, my Oshkosh friend... I have the same thoughts for my father in law who passed away, he was a WWII aviator. I had a small plaque made in his memory that I plan on installing on the panel of my never ending project. Glenn
Know how you feel Bob....my father-in-law took his daughter's new boyfriend to something called "an EAA meeting" in 1977.

Your thread title suggests an end. Naaaa....he's not really gone. If anything you now have a sacred obligation to finish and take him flying. The really cool thing is he can go along anytime you want.
My condolences Bob.

It's never easy when you lose someone who has meant so much to you. It leaves a giant void that can never be filled.

I'm very sorry for your loss. I know what you feel.

I lost my father last year in August, he helped me during building and he wanted be the first copilot in my 8. He'll fly with me, of course !

You'll be in my thoughts.

God bless
Sounds like a wonderful man.

My sympathies for your loss Bob. It never is an easy thing to watch the ones we love leave this world for the next. That was a very nice tribute to him. It looks as if he left a wonderful legacy here on this earth, one that he and his family can be proud of. How nice to have his hand sign his name on your plane. That's a great idea. All the memories will be with you everytiime you fly! Tailwinds and blue skies Don!
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