
Well Known Member
According to Wikipedia, Vans sold 60 RV6 kits to the Nigerian Air Force years some as trainers! (Am I the only RV builder that didn't know that? ) My brother is developing a proposal - as we speak - to build some hangars for the Nigerians, and their specs say there must be adequate hangar space for 46 "Air Beetles". Turns out that's what they call their RV6 trainers.
Looks like our stateside RVs with military markings and stripes are even more appropriate than we thought. :D


See the 'World of RVs' area on Van's site for more info.


Which is here....


gil A

Why only 46? What happened to the other 14?
just curious.

Have we ever heard of ANY air force with a perfect safety record? I'd be willing to bet the other 14 are either destroyed or have been cannabalized for spare parts after training accidents. Or maybe even assigned to uhhh generals for their personal use? :eek:
I would dearly love to examine one of those planes. The main landing gear was much more robust than the Whitman-style rods, and I believe had 6.00X6 tires. I don't know if the nose gear was different, but... if not, perhaps it had something to do with the apparent attrition rate!

I believe Van's original RV-6T was snuffed in a ground collision.

I had some discussion a while ago with one of the factory guys about examining drawings of the RV-6T landing gear, but, despite the promise to get back to me, he never did. I haven't forgotten.

Rupester, we need pictures! Please.

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