
Well Known Member
Anybody have agood source for RV Insurance.
I'm interested in liability only.
When purchased without a hull coverage it's around $650

Hi Dan,
I found Falcon Insurance as recommended by the EAA. Call Jim Nelson in Kerrvillle, Tx. 866 647 4322 and tell 'em Pierre sent you.

A while back I was looking for insurance that would cover a project I had just purchased, for the 700+ mile trip home.

After a lot of searching, I chose Jim Pappas. One nice side benefit is that he is a RVer. Look on the left side of your screen, toward the top,he advertises there.

Mike S said:
A while back I was looking for insurance that would cover a project I had just purchased, for the 700+ mile trip home.

After a lot of searching, I chose Jim Pappas. One nice side benefit is that he is a RVer. Look on the left side of your screen, toward the top,he advertises there.


Except that I see from the main page that he is in the hospital and cannot be contacted for awhile. Hope he has a speedy recovery...
Baja_Traveler said:
Except that I see from the main page that he is in the hospital and cannot be contacted for awhile. Hope he has a speedy recovery...

Jim Pappas gave me an initial quote & I've left 2 messages for him that have not been returned. I wondered why he didn't repond.

Jim Nelson from Falcon gave me the $650 quote for Liability only. Liability is more expensive when you buy solo. He's a bit higher, but it looks like I'll go with him. I want to keep it in the RV family if I can.
Jim Nelson from Falcon gave me the $650 quote for Liability only. Liability is more expensive when you buy solo. He's a bit higher, but it looks like I'll go with him. I want to keep it in the RV family if I can.

Aviation insurance is a strange animal so I don't know how different your quotes will be once the process has started. But you might want to give Scott Smith at Skysmith a call and request a quote.

I know rates vary widely depending on TT in an RV and hull valuation, but I'm paying about the same amount you were quoted and my policy includes ground-not-in-motion hull coverage. However, if you only have 50 hrs RV time you may have to look forward to lower rates as your time accumulates. :)
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Sam Buchanan said:
However, if you only have 50 hrs RV time you may have to look forward to lower rates as your time accumulates. :)

Gee - that means you're just going to have to fly a LOT early on...

Darn the luck... :D
Sam Buchanan said:
Aviation insurance is a strange animal so I don't know how different your quotes will be once the process has started. But you might want to give Scott Smith at Skysmith a call and request a quote.

I know rates vary widely depending on TT in an RV and hull valuation, but I'm paying about the same amount you were quoted and my policy includes ground-not-in-motion hull coverage. However, if you only have 50 hrs RV time you may have to look forward to lower rates as your time accumulates. :)

Thanks Sam,
I submitted an online quote from them yesterday. I just went over the 100 hour RV time. We'll see what they come back with. I was quoted $300 for liability & $1750 Hull 75K when packaged.
Liability jumps to $650 when purchased separately.
Liability jumps to $650 when purchased separately.

If that is the case, you might explore adding GNIM coverage if it doesn't cost much more. That will give you full hull coverage in case the hangar gets wiped out, the plane is stolen, or you suffer vandalism while the plane is tied down outside.