Looking for info about importing an RV from Canada…does it have to be flown to where a DAR inspection can be informed?

Technically an experimental aircraft is not "imported" from Canada. Since their rules on amateur-built are not exactly the same as the U.S., the aircraft must be inspected, and proven to be 51% built for education or recreation. The applicant must be able to prove this by way of builder's log and affidavit from the original builder.

First step is to deregister the aircraft in Canada and register it in the U.S. The applicant must have an A&P inspect and sign off a condition inspection in the U.S.

After that a U.S. Airworthiness Certificate may be applied for through the FAA or a DAR.
It can be flown in the U.S. on Canadian registration. To get U.S. registration it must first be deregistered in Canda. Canada must notify FAA. Then it needs a DAR inspection to get new airworthiness. From the point it is deregistered until it gets new U.S. registration and airworthiness it can't be legally flown.