
Okay, I actualy laid hands on an RV today for the first time. The new owner wants an IFR cert on it before he picks it up. I do IFR certs on our experimental jets (L-39s) all the time and I know that even for an experimental aircraft there are certain requirements for back up flight instruments like a VSI, etc. Even the jets that have glass cockpits have a few backup analog gauges in them. This RV has Advanced Engineering EFIS displays in it and nothing else. There are three displays in it; a PFD on the far left, an EIS next to that and the third on for the co-pilot is kind of a repeater for the first two. It shows some engine info and some flight info. But, only the PFD has pitot/static to it so it is actualy the only air data instrument in the aircraft. There are no back up gauges at all. For an experimental RV to get IFR certified, isn't it required to have some kind of back up air data gauges?
The requirements for IFR equipment are the same for experimental aircraft as for standard category aircraft:

Two-way comm and nav equipment "appropriate to the ground facilities being used."

A sensitive altimeter adjustable for barometric pressure.

Alternator/generator of adequate electrical capacity

Gyroscopic attitude indicator and direction indicator

Turn and slip indicator or turn coordinator

DME if above 24K and using VOR navigation

These are very minimal requirements. Whether they are prudent is an entirely different matter.

A transponder is pretty much required and must be TSO certified.

There is no requirement in the FARs for backups that i'm aware of.

An IFR certification is essentially just a transponder/static check. You need to verify the transponder operation and the accuracy of the altimeter and encoder.

Anything else (whether enough equipment is installed, etc. ) is up to the PIC and the person certifying the airplane as airworthy.
You will find all the relevant data and discussions in previous threads.
I recommend you hit the search button, go advanced, type IFR certification, select titles only, and wallah, answers at your fingertips.