
Well Known Member
I know this is getting boring; seeing the same guy walk away with all the marbles. Well there is no relief in sight. Jerry "Hustler" Esquenazi ran away with all the loot at the Keystone, Florida contest this past weekend. He posted a score that's really hard to believe so I am posting the official score sheet here as proof:

Who gets away with an 86.81% score? What were the judges thinking?
Well, that pretty much secures Jerry's standings in the series and will guarantee him a blanket party if he dares to compete at the Sportsman level ever again. It's onward and upward to the Intermediate level in 2019 for Jerry. Seriously, my friend... VERY well done!

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two thumbs up for Jerry

It's no surprise how well Jerry has done this year. Ron and I will predict he will also be very successful at Intermediate next year. Can't think of a better guy to champion the RVs as aerobatic machines with his successes being the proof.
Hoping more RVs decide to come join the fun next year.:D
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
Thank you very much Ron, Bill, and Jon. Thanks Jon for that 10 minute window of opportunity for free beer. I feel honored. That's more than most people get! :)

Keystone was another successful and fantastically fun contest. I was supposed to go the Mason-Dixon Clash in Farmville, Virginia, but delays in ramp construction resulted in cancellation of the contest. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to go to the Keystone contest in northern Florida. This contest was much smaller than the others I've been to. We only had 16 total competitors with only 6 in Sportsman. Primary had 3, Intermediate had 5, and Advanced had 2. However, we had enough people to run the contest even with three judges panels. The organizers did a fantastic job despite the small size. The advantage was that the contest had a more intimate family feel. Pretty cool.

Also there were a lot of young people (mostly Embry-Riddle students) competing for the first or second time. They all flew the Eagle Sport Aviation (ESA) Club's Pitts N260AB. It is believed to be the highest time Pitts in the world. The ESA club (IAC chapter 288) was the host of the contest. In addition we had a group of teenagers called the Aviation Explorers who are sponsored by Embry-Riddle and other aviation groups. They came to learn about competition aerobatics and volunteer where they could. They also cooked a nice hamburger and hot dog dinner for us at the awards banquet in the hangar. Fortunately, several of us, me included, were able to give a few of them a heck of an aerobatic ride they will never forget!

Yes, it is time for me to move up to Intermediate. I promised I would make the move in 2019. Before I do however, I need to repair and strengthen my seat back and install a secondary ratcheting seat belt. IAC rules require dual seat belts with separate attach points for the Advanced and Unlimited categories. But most would find it necessary for Intermediate due to maneuvers requiring more than -1 g.

Here are are a few photos from the contest:

Left to right: an Extra 300, three Pitts', and an MX2.

My RV-8, a Giles 202, and the same Extra 300 pictured above.

Two Pitts' and a Christen Eagle. The C-180 did not compete. :)

The order of flight for Sportsman.

Telling stories and recapping the day's flying.

Gathering for the awards ceremony.

The bling. However, more important than the awards are the people you meet, the fellowship, and the friendships that are made.

Here's a video someone took at the contest. The fellow that took the video is a radio-controlled airplane pilot. The airplane noise attracted him and he was kind enough to take video of my airplane and others.
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Farmvile ramp

I'm disappointed that the ramp reconstruction caused the cancellation of the Mason-Dixon Clash I was hoping to visit with y'all again. They just got it finished Saturday the 20 (day before yesterday) ,and it has been MOST INCONVENIENT!! But WOW it's soooo nice and smooth with no more FOD loses gravel or grass growing in the cracks and the great big puddle in front of my hangar is no more.

To Beer question no time limit imposed @ Farmvile (after flying) higher octane varieties also available :D
I'm disappointed that the ramp reconstruction caused the cancellation of the Mason-Dixon Clash I was hoping to visit with y'all again. They just got it finished Saturday the 20 (day before yesterday) ,and it has been MOST INCONVENIENT!! But WOW it's soooo nice and smooth with no more FOD loses gravel or grass growing in the cracks and the great big puddle in front of my hangar is no more.

To Beer question no time limit imposed @ Farmvile (after flying) higher octane varieties also available :D

Yeah, I was bummed it got cancelled. I was looking forward to the contest t-shirt (and seeing my buddies in the NE). They have the coolest t-shirt!
Thank you very much Brian. I?m addicted to this stuff! I may do one more contest in Warrenton VA in a couple of weeks. I?m looking forward to what next season will bring as I make the move to Intermediate.

Take care!