
Well Known Member
Sorry for the delay in getting this out. I've been on a 3800 mile trip in the 4-wheel RV and just got back to my computer. We have three new entrants in the standings. Scott Emery and Dennis Parks both tried their luck at the Corvallis, Oregon contest and Galen Killam took a third place at the Michigan Open in Bay City. Lots of contests left to be flown this season, so get out there and post some scores!

I flew my RV-8 in the Corvalis Corkscrew because my Yak-55 failed the mag check prior to take-off for the event!
So Marilyn and I repacked into the RV-8 and went anyway!
I had a few major screw-ups, like forgetting to 2/4 the half roll after the sharktooth on the first flight, and pulling the mixture instead of the throttle to reduce power for the spin on the last flight, (prop stopped during spin, headed for runway while restarting, then take an 'out'...) later I blew the goldfish, making a full loop. I had so many 'outs' I deserved my score. :eek:
This eventually happens to everyone, so I consider it a lesson in how to effectively use 'outs' and get back into the game. Also it's true that you will be 'rattled' and risk another mistake. Aerobatics is truly a mental game.
I always wondered why the prop and mixture controls are so far from the throttle on dedicated Acro ships!!
Thanks for the write-up. You are right, competition is very much a mind game. The best pilots in the world screw up on occasion because their hands are faster than their brain. ;)

I always wondered why the prop and mixture controls are so far from the throttle on dedicated Acro ships!!

And replacement of worn mixture and prop cables is so much easier. And vernier control of prop and mixture is nice. And friction control is better.
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