
Active Member
Here's a link to a short video I put together of the sights and sounds of the RV Homecoming Fly-In this past weekend. I would have shot more on Sat, however, my camera decided to call it quits in the afternoon, bummer. I'm also trying out a new "poor man's steady cam rig" for the first time, sorry for some of the shaky shots. You'll see it in some reflections.
very well done, Bruce

... and I still love my RV book. It will stay on the coffee table. Thanks for the video.
Great video. I will have to watch it every Friday (not that I need something to get me syced to go fly my RV on the weekend)

VERY INSPIRATIONAL! I have got to get this thing done! I want to be cool too like those guys in the video!! :cool:

Very well done.
I assume the reason some of the rudders/VS look curved is that you were using a wide angle lens. What camera/lens were you using?
Thanks guys! Glad you enjoy it.

I assume the reason some of the rudders/VS look curved is that you were using a wide angle lens. What camera/lens were you using?

I shoot using the Sony Z1 with a wide angle adapter on the lens. I have to be careful about how close I get to objects with it, it does create some distortion. The wide angle adapter is from a company called Raynox. They make a really good piece of glass.

Bob, as you can tell, I decided to finish the video without the info. If you'd like it added, I can do that later, no big deal, let me know.

Once again, I thought I was done bangin' rivets for the day... Now I gotta get back out there...

Thanks for shooting that and putting it all together.
I love our book and wish we could have made it this year.
I am going to put Homecoming on the calender for next year and take some time to enjoy the wine country around there.

Thanks again
Very Nice

I shoot using the Sony Z1 with a wide angle adapter on the lens. I have to be careful about how close I get to objects with it, it does create some distortion. The wide angle adapter is from a company called Raynox. They make a really good piece of glass.

Very nice camcorder... "3-1/3" 16:9 newly developed Super HAD CCD Imagers, 1.12M Pixels Gross" and you are working on your own stabilization system... :)
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SWEET! And I have to say, I love the ending... But that's because it's me giving the thumbs-up as I taxi off. :p
Thank you for your time.

I feel motivated now to get back out and finish my kit, Thanks for the pick-me-up video !

That was wonderful & inspirational, thank you!

I resolve NOT to work on the house this weekend--back to the workshop for me. :D
SWEET! And I have to say, I love the ending... But that's because it's me giving the thumbs-up as I taxi off. :p

It's one of my favorite shots of the weekend, thanks for the thumbs up. You have some nice books, excellent job of putting them together.

Glad everyone is enjoying the video and is getting some inspiration from it.

I'm trying out some new BluRay DVD's from Kodak and some authoring software from Toast for making BluRay DVD's. I could use a couple of people (guinea pigs) that have a BluRay DVD player to test for me. I'll send you this video on BluRay (looks great in HD by the way) if you'll send me an address to mail to. First two get the DVD's.