
Well Known Member
Hello RV-Builders

I'm searching for a friend who is also building an RV-7A a possibility to hangup his RV in a hangar.

This because hangarspace in switzerland is VERY limited, mostly you have to be on a waiting list for years and years. So they really use every possible space to put a plane in.

Does anyone have an picture or a idea how to hangup a RV-XA

For an Tailwheel RV it is very simple, we have done this twice, but for an Nosegear .... still scratching my head for hours!

Thanks alot for any information!


PS: Hangarlift is not possible:(

Just a thought--------wonder if the aluminum bar in the wing that's used to fit the tiedown rings could be drilled and tapped on the top of the wing and if that could support most of the weight???????:confused: The engine hoist ring on top of a lycoming engine might be able to support the nosewheel weight. I have no engineering data to support any of this:confused: like I say, just a thought.
Well, you could do what were plunking down the cash for:

But we have a deal on a used one and I hate to think what shipping to Switzerland is but heck you guys make killer watches:D...this should be a piece of cake to fabricate.;)
Thanks for your ideas!

The hangarlift is veri nice, but not an option :mad: bevause the hangat has a big floor ... and a big door ... the space in the corners are allready filled and in the middle there needs to be free space to tear planes out.

That aluminum bar ... that would be really an option ... or additionally "hard-points" on the fuselage side to screw in hooks and lift up like this.

I also thought to make an adittional oildoor on the cowling, right in the corners, so that an hook can go around the enginemount ...

Lets thinking a bit more ...

for shure I will contact an engineer to calculate everything.

Any further coments are welcome!

Just a thought--------wonder if the aluminum bar in the wing that's used to fit the tiedown rings could be drilled and tapped on the top of the wing and if that could support most of the weight???????:confused: The engine hoist ring on top of a lycoming engine might be able to support the nosewheel weight. I have no engineering data to support any of this:confused: like I say, just a thought.
I wouldn't go drilling through the top spar caps without engineering data. You already have a hole in the bottom spar cap at this point.
Also, don't hang by the engine. If you are going to use a "nose" hanging point, use the mount itself.