
Well Known Member
My wife asked if I would take a summer intern from her work for a ride in the RV. Sure, twist my arm. Maggie was a bit nervous, but enjoyed the flight.


I also took a really fun flight recently with my daughter on the 4th of July around Mount Rainier. She took some incredible shots:



Here's the "East Channel" Approach into my home field, KRNT Renton:

She also got a shot of short final. You can see a bunch of green 737's lined up on the right of the runway.

More pics on my site.

By the way, I just wanted to apologize about not being active in the forums lately. I know many go AWOL after they get flying. That wasn't my intention, but I took a new job recently that's been keeping me busy. Not so much mid-day surfing time, if you know what I mean. Remember that job posting a few months ago for an Embedded Software Engineer at Dynon? Well, I took that job. It's been a blast.

I'll try to check back more often. There is so much darn activity on the forum these days. Must remember to skim...

Great Pictures

I just live a hop and a skip (with and RV9 ofcourse) from Seattle. your great pictures gives me a situational awareness where your home port is. I will visit Renton sometime soon. How is transportation from the airport to town? lots of busses?

What's the procedure to come in from the North? You have Custom officers too I guess?
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When you say "town", I'm not sure if you mean Seattle or the City of Renton. Renton isn't the closest field to Seattle. That would be Boeing Field, KBFI. But Renton does have customs, cheaper gas, and is much quieter. I'm not sure about buses around the airport. I'm sure they exist, but you may have to transfer to get into Seattle. This web site has bus route info:

And there are rental cars available at the FBO Proflight. There are some restaurants and stores within walking distance, but nothing fancy. Let me know what you have in mind, and I'll try to find you more specific info.

I'm planning on doing some trips up to Canada, but it'll probably be next summer. I have lots of places around here to check out and want to build up to an "international" flight.

RE: HS34


Great pictures and info. Now that I have become your best friend I just know you will be able to get my HS34 out in front of the long line I am In....@ Dynon. :eek: Don't ya just love guys like me~! :rolleyes:

Frank @ SGU RV7A Panel Complete except for the hole where the Dynon HS34 goes!
Goodbye Ohio!

Bob Collins said:
You live in beautiful territory, Dave.
Yep, these guys with views other than perfectly flat corn and soybean fields are making me want to move in the most awful way. Just a few more years...
Dgamble said:
Yep, these guys with views other than perfectly flat corn and soybean fields are making me want to move in the most awful way. Just a few more years...
Dave-I feel your pain. I lived just south of Bowling Green for four years (2000-04). I had about as much of the flatness as I could take and returned home. I never thought that scenery made flying so enjoyable until it wasn't there anymore! Of course, Dave Parson's pictures are fantastic. Unfortunately, if you live on the west side of the mountains, you only get to see that scenery 6 months of the year! :eek: (As you can tell, I have a bias! :D I live on the east side of the mountains... only about 60 miles as the crow flies from Dave but a completely different world in terms of climate and VFR days.)