
I'm New Here
Not quite the RV grin I'll have someday, but today I brought home my first airplane.

After 25 years of "someday" I jumped into the deep end. She's a '73 7ECA that I bought last month. Finished the annual today and flew her home to 52F.



I'll build my dream RV-7 someday, but for now I'm happy with my baby.
I remember how exciting it was to acquire my first plane a pa38 tomahawk C-FBRL 6 years ago. I then got my ppl in it and then put 700 hours on it and in the interim built a rv9a. Enjoy the plane and look forward to the 7.
I love the 7ECAs; a great plane! Got lots of TW time in that bird.

I'm finishing up my -7 now, and did some transition training last week with Mike Seager in a real -7, and OMG, the -7 is NOT a Citabria! I need an extra leg to jam the right rudder down on takeoff. The RV is a way more capable plane, but with the big engine and slippery fuse ... it's a new and wonderful beast.

At least, stalls are completely benign on the -7, even more gentle than a 7ECA.

Enjoy the rag wing, but only as a transition to a real plane ;-)
I?ve flown and worked on most of the Citabria/Decathlon models, and a couple of Champs. The 7ECA is my favorite. I think it?s the best handling of the Citabrias, I suppose because of the lighter engine. Only (small) drawback is that you?ll have to set valve clearances. Worth it!
Good choice:) I went from a '79 7ECA to an 8', loved the Cirabria, cheap, good for pax and has a cult following, enter my 8 (proper version of course)....what Citabria!:D