
Well Known Member
***** Please read all messages in this thread*****

Hey Gang,
I was looking for a local fly-in to go to this Memorial Day weekend but found there wasn't a whole lot going on in the Southeast. So I got to looking at the "Places to Fly..." forum. Seems like there are plenty of good places to fly and of course eat in Georgia. Fine, it was settled, I was going to hit one of the places listed on the forum. Then, like a stroke of lightning it hit me, a brilliant idea. It turns out I own a piece of property at a residential airpark in central Georgia with a pretty darn good restaurant less than 100 yards from where I park my plane!

Guys I would like to extend an invitation to you to join me this Saturday at 11:00 at Plane Living Skypark located about 4 mi NW pf the Perry airport (PXE). The airpark is brand new, has two main streets, about 50 lots with two homes currently being built. The runway is 2900 x 80 sod strip oriented north/south. It is located in the midst of peach and pecan orchards. In fact we'll have to walk through a peach orchard to get to the Lane peach and pecan packing plant where the restaurant is located. The packing plant also has an extensive gift shop along with the awesome food. The airpark and plant are located 4.8 mi west of I-75 on State Highway 96, about halfway between Perry and Fort Valley, about 10 miles SW of Macon. I will have exact coordinates for you tomorrow. I left them at the airport tonight. I'll see if I can include them along with an aerial phot tomorrow. For now, here's a link to the packing plant: http://www.lanepacking.com/.

Please let me know if you can make it so I can get a head count and give the restaurant a heads up if its going to me more than a few of us. I hope to be there at 10:30 in my unpainted RV-8 . Lets plan on meeting between 10:30 and 11:00. We'll shoot the bull for a while and then walk over to the packing plant about 11:30.

Doug, if you don't mind let's post this somewhere where it could get some good visibility.

Thanks guys, I look forward to seeing you Saturday assuming the weather is good. I'm coming from Valdosta so hopefully I won't get smoked out. There have been a few days the poor visibility has prevented me from flying even IFR!

Take care and I'll have more info for you tomorrow.

RV-8 60 some hours
(229) 269-1302
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Excellent idea Jerry!
I own a lot there also and I think we met at the BBQ last Fall. My -9 was being painted at the time.
See you Saturday.

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Hello Guys,

Here is a link for an aerial photo for the Plane Living Skypark.


The view into the screen is looking north. You can see the packing plant on the the north section of the photo. The streets make an inverted U. The runways are just east of the eastern street and west of the two white hangars on the east side. I say runways because there are actually two runways adjacent to each other, they share a common edge. The airpark's runway is the western runway. The traffic pattern is to the west. The eastern runway is private property; don't land there. The airpark's runway is marked 1L / 19R. It is also marked with orange flags. The coordinates for the approach end of 19R are 32 33.21 N 083 49.63 W. There are small powerlines prior to the approach end of 19R over the highway. Be careful! I don't believe there are any obstructions for 1L. You'll want to park where my airplane will be parked adjacent to the approach end of 19R. If you need any more info, please don't hesitate to call me at (229) 269-1302.

Thanks I hope to have a pretty good turn out for this impromptu gathering. I look forward to seeing you'all there. Please pray to fire gods. The smoke was pretty bad here today down in Valdosta.

RV-8 N84JE
Hello everyone,
Just in case you were wondering the gathering is open to all, whether you have an RV or not, or you're building one, or if you interest in RV's is mild compared to your affinity toward peaches! Just come on down, have fun, and get your belly full!

If we're in town, I'll try to make it. However I'm pretty sure we're flying to Ohio to go see my sister and her brand new baby. So I might have to wait til next time...

great idea though!!
Hey Gang,
Just to let you know if anyone had any concerns about the strip or their tight wheel pants... The strip is in excellent condition. I was just there a couple of weeks ago and I just received a report today that it is in excellent shape. You just want to make sure you don't taxi off the runway until you get near the approach end of 19R where my airplane will be parked. This is the only area that has been smoothed out other than the runway. The other areas adjacent to the runway aren't very smooth beause they expect to be building homes there in the future. My wheel pants are very low and I haven't had any trouble.
I did crack one up over a drainage ditch on taxiway "Dixie" at ATL taxiing over a mile to get to 27R but that's another story.

Take care and I hope to see y'all Saturday!

Fort Valley Gathering

If the smoke will clear between VLD and TVI I will be there.
Gerry Chancey
Steinhatchee, Fl (39FD)
RV 9, N92GC
Hey Guys,
I never imagined this thing to get big enough to require a CTAF, but it's a good thing we have one! Our assigned freq is 122.85 with the callsign "Plane Living traffic..." Remember the pattern is to the west (left traffic for 1L and right traffic for 19R). I listed the coordinates in an earlier post. The field is located on the 312 radial, 4.1 nm from the Perry airport (KPXE). See y'all tomorrow. Please call or email if you have any questions.

(229) 269-1302
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I will be at Perry-Houston County (PXE) around 10am Sat. if there is anyone who wants to meet there and follow me over to the airpark which is just a few miles away.
Call me if you want to do this.

(478) 213-2555 cell
(478) 971-3462 home
Looks like I'll make it too.

Count me in also. Sounds like a good time and we can put names and faces together.
A Great Day in Mid GA

Thanks to Jerry E's last minute flyout idea, at least 13 RVs and a couple other types - Grumman and Challenger? - gathered in a soy bean field.

Actually, the field is the sight of a brand new airpark. We had a meet and greet and aircraft inspection session, then strolled through a small peach orchard, and across the street to the restaurant.
It is always a great experience to meet new people through flying. Now I need to get me some of those personalized RV business cards!

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera but look forward to seeing some pics from someone else.
Today's GA. Flyin

Thanks Jerry for setting this up. It's a great place to fly into and have a quick lunch and buy some goodies.






We had a great time visiting and getting to know others. Typical RV gathering.
Hey Guys,
Sorry I'm so late posting these pictures from our get together at Plane Living Skypark. I think everyone had a great time so I am planning on doing this again. I'll let you know when, but it will probably be end of June or beginning of July. Thank you for coming and making this a great day! Also thanks to Doug Reeves and his VAF website. Without VAF, this impromptu fly-in wouldn't have been possible! Thanks Doug. Here's a link to the slide show:


Catfish fry??

Hi Jerry and the guys,
How 'bout a fly in to my hangar at Louisville (2J3) for a catfish and shrimp fry? We have a bunch of catfish farms around here with the best tastin' catfish east of Loosyanna!! :D Filets or whole catfish, your call, or both, not frozen either. Say we eat around noon thirty and BS for an hour or more beforehand.

Lemme know what y'all think,


Not promising, but if WX, smoke, Wife and other conditions permit, I will try to be there Sat.
pierre smith said:
Hi Mannan,
I'm thinking next Saturday the 9th of June........just getting feelers out.



Can a Lancair flyer join ya? :)...would be fun to say hi in person...

I'll keep watch to see if it comes together... Might even bring my bride, if fresh catfish is on the agenda. :) Keep us posted on how the plans, funds, etc come together.

aadamson said:

Can a Lancair flyer join ya? :)...would be fun to say hi in person...

I'll keep watch to see if it comes together... Might even bring my bride, if fresh catfish is on the agenda. :) Keep us posted on how the plans, funds, etc come together.

I'd be insulted if you didn't come!! The sexiest looking airplane absolutely just has to grace the place :)

We have an organization called The Broken Shackle ranch near here and it takes young guys from 14 to 17 who have been kicked around all their lives from foster home to foster home and gives them a new lease on life through tough love, Bible teachings and discipline. They take them up to GED and then help them transition to life as an adult living in the Omega house in Augusta, Ga where they're taught to get a job, balance their checkbooks and start a productive adult life, independent of welfare. I figured that I'd pass a hat and if you feel like donating a coupla bucks or so, they'd be very appreciative......otherwise, the food's on us. I plan on catfish and shrimp, hushpuppies and French fries/ Tea/coke etc.

Hello Pierre,
That sounds great! Count me in if the WX holds. Let me know if there's anything I could do to help.

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Not to butt in, but let's all take a shot at helping Pierre.

Go to this post

Reply with number coming, and and airplane description (just basic - RV6, 7, 8, etc).

There are rumors of close to 30 airplanes that may descend here on Sat. I'm all for it, but I"m sure it would help Pierre if he had a single place to go to count toes.

Remember, don't reply here, reply to the link above...