
Well Known Member
Another awesome get together hosted by the Chino RV gang. I counted over 30 RV's that flew in. The Planes of Fame theme this year was "Lightning Strikes Chino". There were SIX P-38 Lightning's there. Over a dozen P-51's and all sorts of other vintage warbirds putting on quite a show. Sean D. Tucker performed his act, and the weather was warm and sunny all day.

I took a bunch of photos. Enjoy!
Big Iron in the SoCal sky

Coming home from work Friday (Eastbound CA-78) I saw some big aircraft circling. Gawk-o-meter immediately pegged - it was the B-24 and B-17 orbiting near home. Darn commuters refused to turn the freeway into a parking lot to watch history flying overhead!

Sunday morning at brunch on the coast, wifely said "I hear an airplane. " I pooh-poohed her silliness, blaming the sound on a compressor; the skies were leaden, with low clouds and rain sweeping in from the ocean. She then asked "what's that" as the B-24 cruised down the coast (she's a keeper.)

The other restaurant patrons just... stopped... their conversations in mid-sentence, as they watched me wrestle the window coverings for a view of the Liberator, as the big red tail divided the steely sea from the gray sky.

[back to work now...]
iPhone Shot

Not something you get to see every day. Sunday, 5 May, 2013, Chino CA.

Not something you get to see every day. Sunday, 5 May, 2013, Chino CA.


Is there any way I can talk you out of a copy of the full size image for this picture? The P-38 is one of my all-time favorite airplanes (next to RV's of course...)!
(would love a copy big enough to crop down to just the P-38's for computer wallpaper)

Thanks in advance,