
Active Member
Hey all,

I?m moving from Florida back to Carson City NV and about 80% complete with my instrument Rating in my RV-10. Trying to decide if I want to stick it out here and risk exposure to a CFII and DPE or just get to Carson City and wait until the dust settles with the virus knowing that might be awhile. The question is, does anyone know of an RV friendly CFII and DPE in the area.


Good question!
A. Do it now because if you have an extended layoff, you'll have to re-learn some of the skills.
B. Wait till you get there. There won't be all that many opportunities to fly other than locally till things cool off, so a fresh instrument rating won't do you all that much good. Besides, instrument flying in the mountains will be totally different than instrument flying in Florida, so finishing in Nevada will teach you important things that you might easily miss, otherwise.

You were probably considering these things already, but...

The DPE at Lincoln, CA is not that far from Carson City, at RV-10 speeds. She has done RV checkrides in the past. But, she had a 6 month backlog before the virus. No telling what it is now.
I?m a cfii, and a -10 owner, and have done instrument training in other?s -10?s in the past. But I think KLVK is a bit too far to commute, unless you think you?re only one or two lessons from being done. Might look for a cfii around Reno.
RV Friendly DPE in Sacramento

I recently got my PPL with Richard Conte out of KMCC in Sacramento in my RV-6A. I had to wait 3 months.