Kevin Horton

Well Known Member
We hope to move to the Green Bay, WI area in 2018. We would ideally live somewhere in the area between Green Bay and Appleton. How do KGRB and KATW compare as bases for an RV? What other airports should be on our radar?

I'm considering the following factors:
  • hangar availability and price,
  • fuel price,
  • GA friendly airport,
  • runway condition,
  • year round operation,
  • instrument approach procedure (desirable, but not essential).


Hi Kevin

I'm based at KMNM (Menominee MI) just over the boarder from WI about 45 mi NE of Geen Bay.

I think you will find either GRB or ATW comparable. Both are nice airports. Runways are in good shape, year round ops, as both are served by airlines. Can't speak for IFR your questions, as I'm not IFR rated.

Regarding fuel prices, best place to get it around here is Shawano (EZS), currently at $3.64. Shawano is due north of ATW.

I saw a hangar listed for $40,000 at GRB on Not sure if that is current tho.

Welcome to the area.
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Hi Kevin,
Currently I fly a C-140 out of ATW until my -7 is finished, will then likely stay based at ATW. It's a nice airport and ATC and other tenents are very friendly too. I would highly recommend this airport, and believe there is one or two RV owners based here. You can get a fuel card from the FBO. That will save you about .60/gal. It's only for operators based there but is pretty nice as it brings the cost of fuel more in line with airports nearby. Right now I think it's about 4.59 before the discount. Hangar rental is $200/month. Brennan (79C) is just south of the airport. No tower, but really nice place and has one paved runway. Would also recommend this, but you would likely have to share a hangar if one is available. Hope to meet you at some point, feel free to reach out to me if you have any other questions about housing or the area.
Airports near GRB

A really nice fly out is 3 Delta 2 an airport that has a single paved runway and sometimes usable grass strip as well. It's a little farther north, located in a beautiful area. There is a good local airport service group called friends of Ephraim Gibraltar airport. It's a nice place. You can arrange a rental car. There are free bikes to ride in the summer. Many restaurants in nearby towns will give you a ride for a meal. Self service gas is on the airport. Enjoy!

Kevin, If you don't move to Hortonville, there is something seriously wrong with the world. :D
Thanks for the info guys. We'll be doing an initial recce of the area in June, but won't be making any firm plans until my Green Card comes out the end of the sausage machine (likely sometime in 2018).

Kevin, If you don't move to Hortonville, there is something seriously wrong with the world. :D

I told my wife we were moving there. She hasn't figured out yet whether I'm serious or not. :p