
We had an impressive showing of RVs in formation at the Easton Airport Days event on Saturday. Six of us participated in a 22 ship formation organized by the Red Star guys. I caught some cockpit video during the formation and edited it down to this.

Bill "Jolly" Rogers
Good video, I enjoyed seeing the power changes required to keep in formation, nice choice of music too.

I spent a lot of hours on the wing of the orange Rocket in the video. Brings back a lot of good memories. :)

Rivet pounding motivation! Now I'm pumped up! Thanks for posting. You fly a dragger and a tipper ... just what I'm building. Love the visibility. I hope I can fly formation with you all someday.

Great choice of music, too!
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Thanks Bill. Impressive flying and some great music.


John Munroe
Spencer, OH
VAF Dues paid thru 2014
RV-8: Building the tanks...ugh
Thanks so much for sharing Bill. Great video and an excellent track.

To demonstrate your pride and joy in front of an airshow crowd is something to aspire to. As if building and flying your own aircraft isn't enough? Sure is great for Van - he doesn't even have to advertise, his customers do it for him! Everyone wins.

Very nice video Jolly. We were really happy you came out to join us for the event. The Red Star Association NE has oppened their arms to us (RV's) and we have a good time flying and sociallizing with them.

I'm surprised no one has asked what those things hanging off some of the guys wings are.