
Legacy Member
I was on the flight line watching the RV formation arrival and they were good, very good!

Much better than the Yak group. In fact, the Bonanzas and Mooney arrivals were better than the Yak group.

Good job guys, it was a pleasure to watch.

One note, one of the RV's had to abandon his formation landing because he was buffeted by a gust and was blown towards another RV. The pilot did the right thing by adding power and going around. Good move on his part.

Did anyone hear if the Yak's did a 50 ship formation? From what I saw, their formation was smaller than the RV group. I left on Tuesday morning so I don't know if they did something later in the week.

Very nice photo of a well-done, tight formation. Congratulations to the pilots (and, especially, the person who made the sensible go-around)!
Thanks Bill,
The arrival is the worst of worlds for the pilots. Fat, full of fuel, bags, wives, etc... Trying to stay in formation with the weight, pitch sensitive tandems loaded...along with the wives beating us over the back of the head to 'land already the formation stuff is starting to make me sick'......

I believe we made a respectable showing on Tuesday and Wednesday. But there is always room for improvement, which we will get the opportunity to do next year:)

The go around was Speedy, aka Danny Kight of Team RV Atlanta GA. He is a good stick.
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Excellent flying

Formation work has always impressed the snot out of me... Ok, the next clinic might have another wannabe..:)

RV Formation at AirVenture08

This year, rather than set a specific goal like last years 35, I just asked for volunteers. Twenty (20) FFI formation pilots signed up and showed up at Rock Falls IL (SQI) where we practiced Sat and Sun and then took it to Oshkosh. We had a Mass Arrival reservation this year, so we conducted an arrival flyby and then split up for 4-ship landings. I coordinated for our performances on Tues and Wed at 1130-1200 overhead the pattern and AirVenture grounds. We entered from over the lake with a Criss-Cross maneuver, which Kahuna hit perfectly, then entered the Figure 8 over AirVenture for four more passes changing the shapes on the turn around for each pass. Using photos from each day's practice and performance we tried to perfect successive day's performances. From favorable comments from the Warbird community and others, I guess we did okay.


Accolades should go to the individual flight leaders and wingmen who practiced during the year to maintain proficiency, then arrived at SQI ready to blend with other formation pilots from around the country to perfect the skills and exercise the utmost discipline and concentration. Here's the line up:

Alpha Flight
1 Stu "Falcon" McCurdy, Falcon Flight, Round Rock, TX
2 Bill "Gunnbody" Gunn, Falcon Flight, Austin, TX
3 Lowell "Pfantom" LeMay, Falcon Flight, Round Rock, TX
4 Roy "Jarhead" Geer, Falcon Flight, Ft Worth, TX

Bravo Flight
1 Bill "Pappy" Turner, Blackhawks, Marengo, IL
2 Don "Taco" Pfeiffer, Blackhawks, Poplar Grove, IL
3 Gary "Condor" Sobek, SoCal Wing, Manhatten Beach, CA
4 Randy "Slacker" Lervold, Home Wing, Camas, WA

Charlie Flight
1 Ron "Smokey" Schreck, Palmetto Flight, Gold Hill, NC
2 Tad "Stripes" Sargent, Palmetto Flight, Davidson, NC
3 Danny "Speedy" Kight, Team RV, Anderson, SC
4 Ken "Lurch" Harrill, Palmetto Flight, Columbia, SC

Delta Flight
1 Mike "Kahuna" Stewart, Team RV, Cumming GA
2 Len "Leggs" Leggette, Palmetto Flight, Greensboro, NC
3 Jerry "Widget" Morris, Team RV, Dahlonega, GA
4 James "Chatterbox" Clark, Palmetto Flight, Columbia, SC

Echo Flight
1 Gregg "Wizz" Wilson, Cincy River Rats, Batavia, OH
2 Bud "Joker" Newhouse, Cincy River Rats, Cincinnati, OH
3 Greg "Greese" Reese, Cincy River Rats, Alexandria, KY
4 Ron "Giggles" Gieleghem, Cincy River Rats, Glendale, OH

Thanks to the team for dedication, discipline, skillfulness exhibited at both practice and overhead AirVenture. Good show.

Thanks also to Jeff "Friday" Point who made our taxi/parking work like a charm.

Thanks also to Lynn Turner who took care of food, drink, and transportation needs while we practiced at Rock Falls.

And thanks to M&M Aviation at SQI for hosting us, providing briefing areas and equipment, and fueling.
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And a really big THANKS(!!) goes to ....

Stu ("Falcon") and
Mike ("Kahuna")

for both all the "pre-work" and the flight discipline instilled at the clinics and thereafter.

Without such, our performances would not be possible.

I was amazed at the excellence shown by the group. The efforts of Stu and Mike et al to ensure a tight and safe performance is commendable. Sadly, briefing issues were part of the problems cited by the NTSB in the P-51 collision last year. Keep up the great work.
I'd just like to add my public "thank you" to Falcon and Kahuna as well, you guys rock beyond belief! Your work benefits not only the flight participants but the entire formation community that you both continue to drive. We are fortunate to have you, please keep up the good work!

As a participant this year I can tell you that the general viewing public has NO IDEA how much work and coordination go into making those pretty formations happen. One of the highlights for me was sitting there trying my hardest to just fly my own position while listening to Falcon and Kahuna coordinate the mid-field crossover, cool beyond words. Flying those formation missions is the most INTENSE thing I've ever done and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity.
Yes, it was very cool indeed, especially on Tuesday.

Kahuna borrowed my plane because he was having a brake issue (resolved that evening). It was neat seeing my airplane fly in the show. We were standing show center and heard a big 'uuhhh' (people thinking there would be a collision) when the cross over routine happened. It was so cool....dead on.

Also, I think I'm obligated to post a picture of Kahuna flying the "sissy" wheel -7!


That's for you, Stu.
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I was on the ground and saw the arrival and the formation flyovers. You guys do an awesome job. Just the fact that private pilot (and above) private aircraft builders show that kind of skill and discipline is a credit to the whole community. Sierra Hotel!
Yep its work, a labor of love.
I recall specifically you Randy taking direction well for your position. You can see the little RV-3 is IN in all the pics. Congrats. Not easy and not without sacrifice.

Falcon gets the credit for the coordination and flight dicipline, the rest of us get credit for being IN and plugging away at the flights each and every day of the practice and show. Its our work, our gas, our success, our satisfaction....

Enjoy it while it lasts. Your a hereo right up until the shutter clicks and YOU are caught out of position. Nothing worse than that.

Ill take credit for nailing the crosses. Darn near busted my rejoin.:mad: Made my wingies work way to hard to recover, but recover we did. A nose on 20 ship, 10 on 10 rejoin is the most difficult thing I personally have to do. It requires unmatched focus. Nailing it is a real joy, busting it, well.... Its not good. Past that, im in on a wing just like the rest of you. Working hard to sight through lead and keep everyone safe and focused. I am very proud to be working with all these great pilots from across the country. We are setting the bar, and thats no exaggeration I assure you.

Next year we have the FFI 10th anniversary and planning is already underway. No time to lavish in all the great pictures from this year, got to go practice right now for 2009's show.
Good Grief!

What's that on the front of Kahuna's airplane?

Mount Up girls..

Now let's go fly..

But boy did he nail it!

It was great fun to fly with you again Kahuna. All the guys worked really hard. I just wish the shutter hadn't clicked on me. Embarrassing.