
Well Known Member
Like many of you, before I started my rebuilding project (RV3) I did a little research as to what was required to accomplish the task at hand. From this research and my previous experience building houses, repairing my cars and building an airboat all the required training needed to build a plane (tongue in cheek) I took the plunge. I found a plane in Lawrence Kansas a short drive from St Mary?s Georgia. I rented a 22 foot big yellow Penske truck loaded the plane, picked up the wife at the airport and headed south. Once home I unloaded the plane and the next day jumped straight into the project. The first thing I realized was that my previous experience building houses, repairing my cars and building an airboat fell far short of the perquisite training for building a plane. The second thing I learned and very quickly I might add was how valuable Doug?s website is. The final and most important thing I learned or better yet had demonstrated this past weekend is just how great my fellow RV builders and flyers are. I had moved my plane to the airport for the final completion stage from a nice comfortable air-conditioned garage to a 95 degree South Georgia furnace. It was during this time that I came across what I deemed could be a project killing point and was literally ready to take a hacksaw to the plane, which I did not do. I packed up all my equipment loaded it into the truck and headed home. Once home I did what all smart RV builders should do I went on line and asked for help. I?m good at it I have done it a thousand times at this point. It wasn?t long before I had replies and I thank everyone for the replies, but it did not stop there. Sunday morning as is my custom I went to the site to read the news on the forum and read a response to my post. Pierre Smith had responded that he and Brian would fly down and take a look at my problem. Sure enough around 3 that afternoon he and Brian landed down looked over the problem an assured me that it was not the project ending problem I thought it to be, which made my month. After all my ramblings I finally get back to the purpose of this post Pierre I can?t thank you and Brian enough for flying down and helping me out with my problem it meant a lot. You two guys are great examples of folks who love flying and building RVs and are willing to go out of their way to help those of us still struggling through the building process. Again thank you and Brian for your help and also thanks to all of you that have offered advice and help throughout my building process.