
Well Known Member
I did not do any cross countries in 2019 but did do a lot of local flying around STL.

49 flights, 50.4 hours, >7000 nm

Not a typical year due to loosing 3 months of flying due to airport and hangar flooded this summer.

Can you tell where the control tower airports are in STL?

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That's really cool. How did you do that? I have all my track logs in Foreflight, but I'm not sure how to aggregate them together.

That's really cool. How did you do that? I have all my track logs in Foreflight, but I'm not sure how to aggregate them together.


Everything is done on my iPad. I use FlyQ efb and it records all my flights. I export the GPX file out of FlyQ into iOS app called MotionX GPS. I then color code each to different color and move them all into a common or series of folders. Then in the mapping screen I turn on only the flights I want to show, in this case the folder for 2019.

I use MotionX for tracking lots of stuff like bike rides, boating, skiing, horseback riding, driving, and hiking. I have been using it for years. You could use MotionX to record the flights like I do for my other activities but it is 2 button pushes to move over the FlyQ track since it is open during every flight anyway.
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I?ve also been wrestling with how to show a years worth of tracks on a single map, thanks for the tip on MotionX. I have Garmin Pilot and the Fly Garmin tracks, but can?t see any way to show multiple tracks on a single map. I can export KML files though, so using another program is probably the way to go.