
Are there any RV flying clubs? Something like the ones that have Cessna's and the like. Wouldn't that be great? They could offer training and "fractional Ownerships"
This could be interesting

When I lived in California we had a flying club at John Wayne Airport (AKA Orange County Airport - SNA) and several times each year trips would be organized by the members. We had a great time. I tried to organize a trip to Bowling Green, Kentucky with a highlight activity of touring the Corvette Production facility and the National Corvette Museum for the local EAA Chapter here in NW Arkansas. There was absolutely no interest except from retired folks from the the old SNA club that now live in Mississippi and Florida. We had a good time but I'll not try that again. If an RV Flying Club would get into that kind of thing I would be interested.

Bob Axsom
Falcon RV Squadron-Falcon Field, Peachtree City,Ga

At Peachtree City, Georgia we have the Falcon RV Squadron. It is an informal group that centers its activities around Hangar D-30 which has a large red-lettered sign above it that says appropriately enough, 'Falcon RV Squadron' and is too conveniently located behind Aircraft Spruce.

We have weekly luncheons on Tuesdays at 11:30 at Mellow Mushroom Pizza in Peachtree City. There is a weekly update email that attempts to share project updates and pix. We have our own shirts, hats, decals, and patches. Occasionally we have a cook out. We had a Christmas party with about 35 attending.

We help each other through technical and flying advice. Additionally, the group has been very supportive of a number of members going thru serious life-events. We have been trying to generate interest in a trainer since three of our members who are building RV-7's do not have a pilot's license yet. There are several A&Ps and CFI's for flight reviews and training.

Over my 50+ years of hanging around airports,airplanes, and aviators, I've seen all sorts of aviators. There are the gruff lone-rangers hiding off in an obscure corner of the airport all the way to the social gadflies that are the center of airport social life.

My opinion: aviation is safer and more fun when it is shared with like-minded folk. I would encourage all RV'ers to band together in their local areas. It's FUN!

What do you think? What has been your experience?
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....Vern. I have a Primo ceramic grill in my hangar and we often roast a loin or steaks and have friends come by and sup with us. Other times we have fish fries and invite a bunch of RVers for some good ol' Southern fellowship. If you invite them, they will come.....hopefully in their RV's.

I think the OP was referring to a bunch of guys in a club owning a couple RVs? If that is the case, I've explored this option a couple times, and feel that it would be impractical unless it was a very small group. Most insurance companies will only allow 4-6 named pilots on a given aircraft, anything more than that, and they want you to get commercial insurance. Commercial insurance, for a flying club, operating experimentals? But you can't operate experimentals commercially! That is where I always get hung up. It's a great idea for an RV-9a or something along those lines, but I don't think it's viable.
Stephen, it might be possible but 4-6 pilots is a lot for one plane if everyone wants to fly it. You have to have just the right mix of people. Personally I would never turn my plane into a group plane. I won't even take on one additional pilot.

When a group flies someplace for breakfast you don't see guys pairing up to "save gas." We all fly. Usually solo (some wives go). Must be a guy thing.

Such a group may well exist but I suspect that there are not many.
I tried to start a RV flying club locally by asking members in our EAA chapter. Buying a -9A and having a few owners. I thought this would be a great way to help guys sell their airplanes and for pilots who don't want to rent, can't afford to buy, or no time to build............. Zero interest. The silence was deafening.