
I'm New Here
Hello Everyone,
I am currently a student at ERAU and I am considering purchasing and building a Van's RV-7 after I graduate from college. I have heard that there are many pilots with RVs in the Daytona Beach area (Especially at Spruce Creek) and I was hoping that someone would be generous enough to let me look at their plane and hear their RV story. I am an Aerospace Engineering major in the process of getting my CFI so I have a fair amount of aeronautical knowledge and would love to chat. Please let me know if you are interested in indulging a fellow RV enthusiast.
What do you know another riddle guy on here. I will be graduating in may and actually just had my wings delivered last week. I know it is not exactly what you are looking for but its at least a start if your interested. The Creek is definatly the place to go, I have a few names of people who are either alot farther along than I am or are flying already. Another way to meet people is to head down on a saturday morning before there flyouts and strike up a conversation. Anyway, if you interested in checking out what I have let me know and you are more than welcome to come by. I live in Ormond on Granada.

RV's at Spruce Creek

I don't fly an RV myself, but I'm based at Spruce Creek and many of my friends do fly RV's.

The best thing to do is either:

1. Visit Spruce Creek to attend the monthly EAA Chapter 288 meeting - see - this will connect you with the 50 + RV flyers we have at Spruce Creek who are EAA members,


2. Visit the Downwind Cafe for breakfast on a Saturday morning - see

Plan to be at the Downwind for 7.45 am as the Spruce Creek Gaggle Flight (many RV's fly with the Flight) meets at the nearby 'Big Tree' (a Spruce Creek sysmbol) at 08.00.

Spruce Creek is a private gated community and access is by invitation only. Bring your drivers license along and tell security who you are visiting and they will give you a map with directions to either of the above.

If you want to see some great photos of some of the RV's we have at Spruce Creek take a look at the 'Reach for the Sky' feature in the February and March issues of the free online avaiation magazine

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