Jeff Vaughan

Well Known Member
With so may RV?s built by or under construction by EAA Chapter 240 members it seemed fitting to dedicate a special Fly-In event to all RV?ers in the region. And the call has gone out! Our Pancake Breakfast of Saturday May 16th will be an RV-Day, and we are inviting local RV pilots and aircraft to join us at New Garden Flying Field (N57) and our EAA Chapter 240 Hangar for our ?Increasingly Famous? All-You-Can-Eat-and-then-some-for-just-$6 Pancake Breakfast.

We anticipate our Breakfast will attract our usual fly-in and drive-in buddies as well as many ?Van?s Air Force? RV-owners and we look forward to a great day, for the Chapter, for the Flying Field, for General Aviation.
RV Pancake Breakfast This Saturday

The forecast is Sun and Clouds 74 deg and all the Pancakes , eggs and sausage you can eat. Hope to see alot of RVs