Guy Prevost

Well Known Member
I'm gauging interest here:

A couple of years ago I did a trip report ( about an open house that was held at Spaceport America on White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. Since that time I've had a trickle of requests for information, most recently from Vlad The Intrepid.

I haven't seen any other fly-ins advertised by the Spaceport, even though I periodically check their website. I finally broke down and picked up the phone. There are currently no events planned, but they are willing to host us for a private event. Spaceport's costs are fixed for events like this since they have to staff for it. Assuming 50 aircraft with two occupants each, the cost to us would be ~$160/plane. That's $100 for the plane and $30/person for the private tour that I assume we would all want. Aircraft costs go down with participation--basically it's ~$5k for 1-120 aircraft. Spaceport can have a food truck arrive or cater a meal for us (extra $$).

Given all of that, what's the interest? A couple of hours at the 'port is plenty. An obvious time would be during or just after the Albuquerque Balloon fiesta in October. It's a nice time of year. Hotels and restaurants in ABQ are maxed for that event though. Winter could be okay too. Spring is often Windy, and summer is HOT. I don't know if the RV LOE fly in still happens. We could bring it back to the Land of Enchantment (hope I'm not stepping on toes here) and combine the events. I don't think I have the time to put an LOE like event together--that would fall to someone else. Our local EAA chapter hosts the original (not RV specific) LOE in August. We could maybe align with that event next year.

I'm not sure I have time to arrange something earlier than November for this year. I'll let the round table discussion begin at this point. I would like feedback on whether you would like to attend at the given price point, what time of year, ideas for making it more than two hours in the desert, etc.
Here's a link to the SpacePort's website:
I can hear TC when she reads this at a later date. "Spaceport what?" But did someone say "Albuquerque Balloon fiesta" <ears up, leans forward with head tilted>
Guy, I would love to go and split costs if I can hitch a ride with you or somebody else ;-)

I wonder if I could ask Anthony Cesaroni for a peek at his new facilities down there. That one may be tough because of proprietary stuff.

Another guy in the Albuquerque Rocket Society has a RV7, will ask him if he would be interested. There are a few other people from the club that could be interested in sharing costs even though they don't fly themselves.

What other activity may be going on there to look at?
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I'm in with a passenger, just don't step on the Reno air races dates in mid-September.

Would make a nice fly out/stopover/tour for our quasi-annual getaway trek out to KSAF that we like to do in the fall...

Obviously...(like everyone else) schedule permitting...

Will be keeping an eye on this thread to see what develops.

I?m with Bubblehead on this. Combine the two. Carol and I would love to attend
I was on the fence until I looked at your trip report (

I?m at least as much of a rocket nut as an airplane nut. For that reason, the opportunity to fly my RV into Spaceport America and land at an airport with a rocket symbol was a big deal for me.


Spaceport America is partly funded by the NM taxpayer and is intended to be the launch facility for Virgin Galactic?s space tourism business. It shares airspace with White Sands Missile Range, one of the birthplaces of Rocketry in the United States It is home to the world?s first atomic bomb test at the Trinity Site, and our first V2 launches post WWII. It is still a very active range with a lot of amazing development taking place there.

For one day / year, usually in early October Spaceport America is open to the public, including their 11,000? x 200? runway. I have launches from a number of Western Hemisphere launch facilities, but this was my first visit to a facility that specializes in horizontal (runway based) launch and recovery. The horizontal launch capability is what requires such a large runway in the middle of the desert. The facility does have at least one rail launcher as evidenced by this most excellent video of a sounding rocket shot last November.

The video won a GoPro award and is well worth the time to watch it. Just hearing the count makes me jittery. There?s nothing quite like turning months or years? worth of work loose on hundreds of pounds of explosives. It's the ultimate smoke test.

Our trip down was short and uneventful. It seems that about 1/3 of the 30 or so aircraft that attended arrived at once. We deviated a bit West to let things settle out. The image below is our APRS track.


The range extensions (R5111A,B,C,D and R5017E) are frequently closed on the weekends allowing a view of the high New Mexico desert that few get to enjoy. The valley between the Caballo and San Andres mountains has a large lava flow. During our summer monsoons the pockets in the lava flow catch water making a mosaic of oases on the desert floor. There?s limited access by road, so if you?re not in a small plane on the weekends, you probably don?t get to see it. It is worth a detour if you?re traveling by RV and the airspace is cold. It?s a spectacular area and I regret that I?ve never taken photos of it. It?s easy to forget to document the beauty outside your own back door.

The 11,000 foot grooved concrete runway was adequate for the needs of our RV-10 and we were soon taxiing up to the main hangar.



It took a few minutes to get settled on the expansive ramp and get everyone settled. Time to explore!

The architecture of the building is truly amazing and I spent a fair amount of time examining the curved, rolling hangar doors. They?re a remarkable piece of engineering.


We eventually made our way inside to drool on the polished concrete floors, stare at a mockup of Spaceship 2 and let the kids do some science demonstrations they had set up. Amelia?s science experimentation mostly revolves around the sense of taste at this point, but Ayrton had fun making some paper airplanes and windmills.




There were some presentations about the Spaceport that seemed interesting, but sitting and listening to a speaker aren?t very family friendly activities.

The facility has some impressive emergency vehicles, we got to watch a demonstration and let the kids climb on the firetrucks. Ayrton got points from the firefighters for knowing that their fire truck was made in Oshkosh.
We were back in the air around noon for a quiet but somewhat bumpy flight home.

Spaceport America?s open house seems to coincide with the opening day of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in early October. It?s a pretty good time to visit the area if you like nice weather and things that fly.
The stars align--next year.

Great input everyone!

Here's what I'm thinking. This year is out for me. My day job has me swamped and early October already feels like tomorrow.

I've done some research and all key events align on the calendar. I propose putting together an event at some airport in Central New Mexico the weekend of October 5 & 6, 2019. Yes, 14 months from now. Available activities:

Saturday October 5, Trinity Site tour and opening day of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta.
Trinity Tour:
Balloon Fiesta:
Sunday, October 6: Balloon Fiesta continues and arrange a fly-out and guided tour at Spaceport America. We could maybe do a catered meal here.

Balloon Fiesta continues through the following weekend. Folks can stay as long as they want. The activities associated with that event are very early morning and late evening. The days are free for exploring or naps.

I think I could get a Central NM FBO to agree to be ground zero. I could arrange the Spaceport stuff maybe even including a catered lunch. It's unclear how much of the Spaceport fee will be required up front. I'll have to figure out how to deal with that. I do not propose a raffle, meeting, or anything of that sort. An evening at the airport with a few kegs is a possibility. Trinity and Balloon Fiesta will be the same weekend and up to individuals to arrange on their own. Santa Fe and Taos are short flights or drives from the Albuquerque area. As for airports I suspect my local FBO at KAEG will tell me to pound sand. Others in the area may be more hungry. I'll start asking around.

Response as to interest is appreciated. Remember we need critical mass to make the spaceport visit even marginally affordable.
Ohhhh, if we can nail down the dates for 2019 I?m in for 2!

I?ve got to bid vacation sometime this September for next year, perfect timing as far as I?m concerned.
Spaceport left a message yesterday and asked me to commit. Depending on the immediate financial commitment required, I may just do that.

I've emailed Doug twice to ask for permission to use the LOE name for this event, since it appears that event has gone away the last couple of years. I'm guessing a spam filter kicked in. I'll ask more publicly on this forum in a few minutes.
I never knew they opened up one day a year to the public. Bet your a$$ I'll join up for the day. Is this post where the info will continue to be broadcast, or is there another avenue?
Put Nann & I down for next year. We really miss Albuquerque & try to return often. I can't think of a better excuse than this event.
I toured the Nevada Test Site a few years ago & would love to see Trinity.
I never knew they opened up one day a year to the public. Bet your a$$ I'll join up for the day. Is this post where the info will continue to be broadcast, or is there another avenue?

Shows Trinity open April and October. Anyone down for April 2019?

I'd probably be in, even if its just driving there...or renting a C172...

The plan is October 2019. This is the place for info until I firmly commit, at which point I'll open up a detailed thread instead of this feeler conversation:
My action items:
  1. Obtain Permission to use LOE name. In work via email and a public post on this site.
  2. Talk to local FBOs and get support for the weekend.
  3. Commit to NM Spaceport
The plan is October 2019. This is the place for info until I firmly commit, at which point I'll open up a detailed thread instead of this feeler conversation:
My action items:
  1. Obtain Permission to use LOE name. In work via email and a public post on this site.
  2. Talk to local FBOs and get support for the weekend.
  3. Commit to NM Spaceport

I'm good for the Spaceport. That's the one I'd prefer by far.
Spaceport left a message yesterday and asked me to commit. Depending on the immediate financial commitment required, I may just do that.

I've emailed Doug twice to ask for permission to use the LOE name for this event, since it appears that event has gone away the last couple of years. I'm guessing a spam filter kicked in. I'll ask more publicly on this forum in a few minutes.

Hi Guy!

I never got your email (was away from PC for four hours). I don't own the LOE name, but I can't think of a better use of it. Sounds like you're the new LOE guy <grin>. Go get 'um and let me know how I can help promote it!!!!!

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It would be good to have an RV specific fly-in in the southwest again.
I am sure that we could get a couple of Van's guys to attend.
I?m in for the first weekend in October. Perfect timing as I?m just bidding for my 2019 vacation as of this week.

I?ll be there with Chuck?s beautiful RV-3!

It would be good to have an RV specific fly-in in the southwest again.
I am sure that we could get a couple of Van's guys to attend.

I am getting ready to spend 80 plane units of mullah on panel and engine, wouldn't this be nice? I am hoping the Copperstate Flyin Feb 8-10, 2019 will scratch the itch. I hope Garmin and Dynon will be there. You and the team in?
As this crazy idea grows, I've had to revisit my original intent. How do I get enough pilots together to foot the bill for a Spaceport Visit?

The Trinity site tour is October 5. That's opening day of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta too. My goal was to use those events to generate enough traffic to arrange a Spaceport visit. Spaceport is what a few people keep asking me about but nobody else is really interested. Basically I told a few people I would try and find a way to get them into Spaceport and I'm trying to honor that commitment. Leveraging the other events is a way to make that financially doable, but it does appear to conflict with Petit Jean.

Another obstacle is that the Balloon Fiesta draws about 900,000 people annually. It's an event the size of Oshkosh. That makes cars and hotels expensive. I may have to find another time, or scrub the idea. Again, I don't really want to host LOE--I want to honor a commitment to get people onto the NM Spaceport runway. Hosting LOE, with enough interesting side events that I don't have to entertain everyone is a method to accomplish that.

I'll keep examining the trade space.
For me at least, the spaceport visit is the one I would rather do....MUCH rather. The Trinity site is cool, but to be honest, I don't think I'd make a trip just for that.

Spaceport all the way for me!!
There is now a Fly-in planned for April 7, 2019, so I'm abandoning the idea of creating my own version. It's too costly in terms of dollars and time.


I'll post registration dates and info here as I collect it. I have reached out to them to firm up the registration dates.
I’m still in +/kiddo!

Guy, understand the astronomical cost and time. Thanks for finding another way to make it work!
We would love to show up, 1 plane, me, wife and kiddo. But April wouldn't work for us. Oct certainly would.

Keep us updated!

Happy to pay registration fees in advance too.
Fly in registration closed

The capacity has been reached. Only 40 airplanes were admitted. Any RVators managed to register? I missed the opportunity :eek:
Wow, only 40 allowed. I was thinking of flying in to see all the emerging space tourism business. Must be so ramp space crunched with all the surrounding houses and businesses crowing out the space port. I guess NM is not as big as I thought.
I missed it too, despite emailing them repeatedly for information about when sign up would be available. They have a huge ramp. Ridiculous.