
Well Known Member
According to the CAFE testing results on various RV models, Van's has designed and tested the flutter aspects at different speeds with acceptable results. To my knowledge, I'm not aware of a situation/failure that has occurred in an RV while operating within design limits. Does anybody know of an occurence?

I bring this up because I recently posted a copy of a service bulletin that was issued by the NTSB to the FAA regarding a light sport/experimental aircraft. The moderators (bless their hearts) promtly disposed of the post due to the forum rules. Don't get me wrong, I accept and respect DR for his stand on rules. However, I posted that for safety info in case anybody has friends that fly that specific model of craft. I'd much rather allow information access to someone that could possibly alter the way they fly and ultimately save their lives, even if it means breaking a moderator/forum rule. I guess you will have to look up the service bulletin yourself if this post even makes it that far (still love this site and agree with most rules).

I believe that this applies to RV folks in the manner that we fly our RV's and is a good reminder to fly within the envelope and limitations. I am sincere in my question regarding flutter and RV's and with hope that it may spark another conversation of flutter safety.