
Legacy Member
Many times we get new members or visitors who ask us to clairify what our RV's can and cannot do. So I thought we should list the "Facts".

1) 240 Knot cruise speeds
2) 6.5 gph burn rates
3) Total cost to build a flying RV: $30,000
4) Climb rates in excess of 2500 fpm at GW with a FP prop. Higher with a CS prop.

What did I miss?
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5) Construction time of 500 hours for plans built, 600 hours for clipped wing with extra fuel and a panel capable of navigation to the moon in a thunderstorm.
Full insurance for under $100.00 a year.

Gross weight = 2.5 times empty weight.

Optional warp engines under development.:rolleyes:
Many times we get new members or visitors who ask us to clairify what our RV's can and cannot do. So I thought we should list the "Facts".(snip)
What did I miss?

Totally attracts the chicks ;)

that's why the ratio of women to men is so high at Oshkosh....
However, such high-performance, precision aircraft tend to attract only a sober, humorless type of pilot. RVators never lie, exaggerate, or crack jokes.
1) 240 Knot cruise speeds
2) 6.5 gph burn rates

What did I miss?

One of the LOPer's is gonna bust you on the 6.5 gph. I'm sure you meant 4.5 gph.

However, why are you cruising along so slowly?
One of the LOPer's is gonna bust you on the 6.5 gph. I'm sure you meant 4.5 gph.

However, why are you cruising along so slowly?

He was talking about the turbine version, and that's the final approach speed. :D
Double all numbers

Double all performance numbers, half the cost numbers if using an Alternative engine:eek:

I'm sooooo sorry, I had a Mountain Dew with my lunch.
You missed...

5) All two place models can be licensed in the LSA category with the appropriate engine and prop combo.

6) The RV-4 is the model that has the highest potential for profit (builder's equity) because the kit cost is the lowest.

7) RV aircraft are very easy to modify and therefore exceed the performance specifications reported by the manufacture.
Cargo Master

11) With minor modifications to the baggage area, the 7 will carry two professional size sets of golf clubs, a 12 pack cooler, 15 lbs of clothing, a small tent, and a nice canoe.

Bill S
7a Cargo Master
The really big one

12. The money you save by choosing an RV will pay off your mortgage and put your kids through college.
Slow speed performance

Stall speed clean at 25 knots. Vertical takeoff and landing capability with full flaps. You can put the aircraft in your trunk for storage.
High Altitude Flyer

A bit of oxygen, trusty carbed Lycoming and all that performance others have mentioned will bring you to Class Alfa airspace easy where you can share airspace with airliners.
Man, don't you just LOVE these RVs!

Glenn Wilkinson

I hear Van is working on a supersonic version of each model.
12. The money you save by choosing an RV will pay off your mortgage and put your kids through college.

This one is actually true:

For example, assume you buy an RV instead of a Citation Mustang ($2,600,000.00, give or take)

I don't know about you, but the difference between an RV and the Mustang ($2,600,000.00-$80,000.00) is about $2.5 million dollars which would easily pay off my mortgage and send my kids to Harvard.
This one is actually true:

For example, assume you buy an RV instead of a Citation Mustang ($2,600,000.00, give or take)

yet another little known fact, the RV-10 and Citation Mustang have the the same performance specs... (RV has better fuel burn) :cool:

With a minor mod to the fuel system and an alternative engine, the plane is capable of round the world flight unrefueled. Course, you'll need a mighty comfy chair for the 2-3 day flight.
You forgot to mention the money you can make by selling seats to your neighbors to listen to the "symphony" that comes from your die grinder, rivet gun and string of explicative s every night in your garage.

Oh yeah, the look on the their face is priceless when you tell them they'll have to keep their cars off the street when your done, cause you'll be using it for take off and landing practice.
13) Optional 2nd row seating in the 6,7 and 9.
14) The "A" models are exceptional backcountry aircraft.

After a few years of building, come the day for the first flight you're so bored with it that the only emotion that shows is a weak yawn.
This thread really bothers me. Everything said on the forum is TRUE! Some things are just truer than others...

Bob Kelly
You guys worry me

You guys are starting to worry me. If you had to pick a TV star out, why couldn't it be...."it's so easy, it's blond proof"

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You guys are starting to worry me. If you had to pick a TV star out, why couldn't be...."it's so easy, it's blond proof"


Wow I'm really starting to like those x-ray glasses that came with my RV9 emp kit...
I'm having a hard time believing the info in this thread. Are you guys serious?

Of course we are. And I like how purchasing a Van's kit makes you smarter than if you had stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. No, really.
For me it's the 35,000 ft service ceiling and optional known ice. Always above the weather in an RV.

This thread does remind me a bit of a Holiday Goose just a few days before the axe! It has to doo with volume;)
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned this yet - although I do enjoy cruising at 240 kts TAS @ 6 GPH, I think the best feature of the RV's is the fact that you don't have to clean the bugs off of the leading edges and the windscreen...ever.
Top secret release at OSH

Don't know if you're aware but the Mothership will release a new 4 seater model next year. This one has been in secret testing.

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You forgot to mention that it also features the new retractable gear, which allows us to pull ahead of the turbine aircraft now.
Ready to assemble kits

The variable sweep wings are quite nice, especially with the afterburner/thrust reverse option.

The new ready to assemble kits are a breeze! Pull parts out of the box and snap together in minutes. All parts color coded and keyed so you can never make a mistake!

No more build logs like:
debur ribs
debur ribs
debur ribs
debur ribs
debur ribs
debur . . . ;)
These kit planes are easy.

When the box of part is delivered you just add a handful of clecos and shake. Turn the box upside down and out falls you kit ready to be riveted together.

Don't know if you're aware but the Mothership will release a new 4 seater model next year. This one has been in secret testing.


WAY cool this one!!

And why not? It would definitely make a nice 4 seater this way?

Just make sure to put the in-laws in the other hull... ;)
Waiting for test results...

I haven't seen anything in print yet but I heard of someone off the coast of Hawaii (I think) testing a submersible RV. I believe it was an -8 and was said that sink rate was great! :D No notes left on lift from the wings in water though.
I think that it was an updated version...

I haven't seen anything in print yet but I heard of someone off the coast of Hawaii (I think) testing a submersible RV. I believe it was an -8 and was said that sink rate was great! :D No notes left on lift from the wings in water though.

Of the P-40 flown by Judd Law in "SkyCaptian and the world of tomorrow".

Not as robust...

Note they didn't publish performance specs or any serious performance observations on their flights - or details of cabin load etc. - might have embarrassed the certified airplanes. What does "not as robust" mean, anyway?
Robust = How does it does when rookie or inept pilots or harsh use beat the ever-loving **** out of it day in and day out. Cessnas historically do pretty well at this. RV's don't usually have to endure it.

Even though RV's will haul an Army Jeep if you could cut it into pieces small enough to fit behind the seats. ;)
You can build one complete with glass panel and leather for only $30k, and immediately turn around and sell it for $250k+.