I am not 100% but I believe it used to be Vetterman but they've switched vendors a few years ago. You can still get them from Vetterman (delete the exhaust from the FWF kit). This is what I did (390 going into a 7)
Some of them are still produced by Vetterman, and some (RV-14, parallel valve 320/360, RV-12) are built in house.
Vetterman has been around a long time.... Never had one. However there are other makers of exhaust you may want to explore.... AWI comes to mind. I know Vetterman sells cross overs and four into four separate pipes. Those are fine. I am a fan of 4-into-1. Vetterman did test and showed there was no big advantage of 4-into-1 over the 4-into-4... which they sell. 4-into-1 Vetterman tested was not optimal. However 4-into-4 is good, and better than cross over. EAA CAFE foundation.... found that scavenging from the 4-into-1 was superior, but the primary pipe lengths/Dia and collector diameter and length have to be sized correctly.
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