
Well Known Member
I'm startin' to get the shakes because I have not been in the shop significantly in a month. Lots of work travel that ended last week. That was OK because I had enough vacation to have a big "session" over the holidays and I had finally figured out a couple of panel wiring thingys that had me stuck.

WELL....... There was this snow storm in the southeast y'see.

It's been 3 days without power for me in western NC. I'm getting better at managing the house with a small generator (that I had to rebuild on Day 2 to get it to start up in the first place). Today I added telecomunications to the loading (heat and freezers were first). Can't run the well pump cause its 220V. but I have 300 gallons of fresh water available and plenty of camping gear that is well practiced from scouting and flyins and other. We would be a lot more comfortable if I could get my main source of heat to work (propane water boiler) but for some reason it gives the error code for bad AC frequency. I put a scope on the generator and adjusted the generator speed to give exactly 60hz but no luck with the boiler. Gas fireplace is doing the duty, barely. Power company is predicting 2 more days.

Anyway, even with this AND not working on the RV, I AM A HAPPY GUY BECAUSE IT"S DECEMBER 21st and SUMMER IS FINALLY ON THE WAY!!

I LOVE THE WINTER SOLSTICE. I hate winter and I break out a drink on this day because the northern hemisphere has made the turn! YEE HAA!

Hand me that scotch.... :D:D
me too!

Hey Bill, I'm with you on the 21st thing. ...don't like winter much either. But can't complain though...it was 60 something here in Abilene TX today. :D

Merry Christmas!

I completely forgot to take my noon picture today. I guess tomorrow will work just as well. My first winter in Alaska was a trip. The sun actually rises and sets in the SOUTH here. :eek: I can't imagine what the guys up in Barrow are experiencing.

Happy Holidays evryone! Rzbil - I hope your power is back on shortly.

Anyway, even with this AND not working on the RV, I AM A HAPPY GUY BECAUSE IT"S DECEMBER 21st and SUMMER IS FINALLY ON THE WAY!!

Up in Minnesota they have a group called "The Royal Order of the 21sters." They believe that Spring actually starts on Dec. 21, recognizing that sure, there's going to be some rough weather the first 3 months of Spring but the second 3 months are going to be glorious.


Paul Danclovic
Jamestown NC
RV-8A N181SB
Winter Solstice.

Hmmm... so THAT's why the sun appeared to be less than 30 degrees high at 11:30 this morning here in Michigan;) (visiting in-laws).
Be thankful you don't live where I do. Yesterday the sun rose at 10:18am and went down at 3:36pm. Good thing I have lots of heat and light in the shop.