I met Steve once two summers ago at his hangar at KMTN. Very nice guy. My condolences to the family and friends. My prayers are with his wife for a full recovery.
FAA Records indicate RV-7A and N675RV. We all hurt when this happens. My condolences to family and friends, and my thoughts and prayers for a quick and complete recovery for Mrs. Reamer.

There is a photo of Steve's beautiful RV-7A on the internet. I was going to link to it here as a tribute to Steve, so we could remember how beautiful his RV was before yesterday's unfortunate event. The photo to which I refer is copyrighted, so I decided not to link to it. However, you can "Google" N675RV and I think you will be able to see the photo made in September 2005 as he is taxiing out for take off at a fly-in. There is also a photo of his very complete instrument panel.

From FlightAware, it appears that Steve used his airplane a lot in recent months for traveling around the eastern U.S.

What a shame.

Kindest wishes to his family and friends as they deal with his loss,
Steve Reamer was a personal friend of mine. Here was a man who loved to fly.... and fly he did. Always ready to go whenever I called him. I believe his 7A had at least 600 hours on it with it's first flight not quite four years ago. He flew everywhere. Two years ago we flew together from our homes in Maryland, he in his 7A and me in my 8, to get our instrument ratings in Arizona. That was one of the best two weeks of my life.

He loved hs RV. He also flew a Nanchang and a Grumman Tiger. But nothing was ever sweeter to him than the RV.

Beyond that, I never saw him when he wasn't ready to have a good time and make sure that everyone around him was having a good time too. He loved life, his wife and his two daughters.

This man will leave a huge hole in my life. The RV community is much poorer today. The world is poorer by even a greater amount.

God rest your soul, Steve.

Please, please, please everyone! Fly safe!

Mitchell "Chip" Lock