Simply Outstanding

Here are a few bits and pieces of raw footage from a feature length documentary I'm working on. Not even the best stuff, and in no particular order or edit. Moving slow now that it's winter - but lots of planing happening in prep for spring.

I give it a full thumbs up! Impressive. Professional. High quality. No unsteady 30 second cell phone footage here. Some of your well thought out camera angles are suggestive of One Six Right. Obviously, you know your way around a camera. Can't wait to see more "dailies." How long do you plan the feature length documentary to be? Is this a commercial endeavor? Tell us about yourself.

GOOD STUFF! I agree that One Six Right comes to mind...I love that movie. I can't wait to see the final product. Will you have music? If you do, choose well...(ask Steven Speilberg or George Lucas if music makes the movie....)
The Plan...

Yes, this is (will hopefully be) a commercial endeavor. The original plan was six one-hours on general aviation, with one hour devoted to home-building. Right now I should have no problem filling two hours, just on Van's fanatics. So, the grand plan ebbs and flows with what's available to me. I hope to have something "finished" by September 2009 - but it all takes time and capital. The plan is to include a full tour and interview from Van's, a look at project in progress, and if the situation arises - and I can find the right mix of "comfortable" builder, test pilot and FAA examiner, document a full inspection and first flight. Possibly also attend a bigger event like the New Mexico fly-in (name escapes me now). Right now I'm leaning hard on the local friends I have made, but I'll need to expand geographically to make it really good.

Yes, full score as needed - but lots of really good nat sound as well. Don't want to cover anything up.

16 Right? That's the documentary on the "closing" of the airport near San Diego, right? Thanks!!!

Very nicely done!
Commentaries are a nice add on and I think would interest many aviators
and general public.
Good luck !
Looks like Pete and Kate Howell's first starring roles! Very nice footage, we look forward to the finished product.

Perhaps Van's can be pursuaded to be a sponsor, they have plenty of product placements.

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Very good Documentary! I will purchase when it comes to DVD! Any plans on putting it on HD Theater?? ;)
Video work

Hi guys:

I can attest to Forrest's skills. His day job is a professional video producer for commercial clients so someday he'll have a really nice RV production. It has been fun helping with some of these shots.

I do like the small segment he shot of my RV-4 at our annual RV picnic (around the 5-6 minute mark). And BTW, the -4 is still for sale although I haven't pursued it that much now that winter has set in.
Very nicely done ! Thanks for a HUGE dose of incentive for those of us still pounding rivets in the cold, grey Midwest. :D
I always appreciate watching a professional at work. When do you start your tail kit?
Hey Bernie -

Well, I ordered the kit on Tuesday last. Getting my basement shop together now. I have some issues with a very sick cat (no kidding) that my wife and I are extremely fond of. So, I can only do "quiet things" until the cat is well enough - or otherwise - able to handle the stress of a 3X rivet gun hammering away.

Thanks to everybody for the compliments. Ultimately, the only way this thing can work is with the help of the RV community. So, any ideas, events or interesting projects that might help move it along are appreciated.


Hi guys:

I can attest to Forrest's skills. His day job is a professional video producer for commercial clients so someday he'll have a really nice RV production. It has been fun helping with some of these shots.

I do like the small segment he shot of my RV-4 at our annual RV picnic (around the 5-6 minute mark). And BTW, the -4 is still for sale although I haven't pursued it that much now that winter has set in.

Here are a few shots of Doug's RV-4 in action. I didn't have time to export a higher quality version of the video. Sorry!

Anyway, it is a great example of an RV!
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16 Right? That's the documentary on the "closing" of the airport near San Diego, right? Thanks!!!

Try this link to go to the website for the "One Six Right" video. Although it is near LA instead of San Diego.
One Six Right

It is a great video. After watching your clip I would agree there are some similarities to "One Six Right" showing up in your video.
....snip... Right now I'm leaning hard on the local friends I have made, but I'll need to expand geographically to make it really good.

Forrest as soon as you are ready to expand beyond US, I will connect you to interesting people in Eastern Hemisphere between 30 and 140 degrees of E. Longitude. A friend of mine is flying his RV-9A in a very challenging and interesting environment, other two guys are on different stages of their projects. These people are totally different breed of RVators.
I am also a contributor and member of editorial staff for a small General Aviation Magazine. The Magazine primarily covers post-Soviet area and is published in Saint-Petersburg in Russian. Well, let's talk about that in a year or so. Now I can hear my Aluminum Princess calling, the shop is only 24 steps away...
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Holy cow Vlad, thanks for the offer. But the day I have the budget to take this project overseas... well, I guess I'll go then.

The biggest problem is getting my equipment in and out of there without having to pay a lot of "fees".

Holy cow Vlad, thanks for the offer. But the day I have the budget to take this project overseas... well, I guess I'll go then.

The biggest problem is getting my equipment in and out of there without having to pay a lot of "fees".

:D These so called "overseas fees" will be negligible fraction of your RV project after DAR inspection. Plus we can always get right connections and necessary equipment on the spot...:)
Very nice...Makes sanding and filling today all the better. You have to see
16R...heck I'll send you my copy...strive for that tingly feeling like most of us had seeing 16R and you will have a winner..which it looks like already..even better with the RV theme..OSH and Sun n Fun could provide some really good footage and LOE...that's all RV..Ahhh..who am I to Direct!!!

I'm al about any RV I run into. 3-10. Just haven't had a shot at working with a 3 yet. Or 10 for that matter.

Can't wait to see the full production!!

Nice work. That makes me want to start riveting tonight. Oh wait, I need a pilots license first!! Working on that as we speak. You should put the documentary together and market it to Mr. Van himself to use as a marketing tool for his fine machines. You put that to the right music and anyone who watches it wouldn't have a chance in the world. They would be signing on the line for a kit immediately. Your video could become the first $60,000 DVD. :)
Nice work. That makes me want to start riveting tonight. Oh wait, I need a pilots license first!! Working on that as we speak. :)

Well, I'm at least one builder who doesn't have a pilots license yet. Any others out there?

Forrest, if you come to film at Vans, my project is only about 20 min. away and I'm now working on the fuselage, if you want to film a project about halfway done and expand geographically at the same time. I'll volunteer for it any day.

Just watched the video on Youtube with the HQ feature you added. That in itself was nice. How were you able to keep the camera so steady and not shaking inside the cockpit?

not alone

Well, I'm at least one builder who doesn't have a pilots license yet. Any others out there?

Forrest, if you come to film at Vans, my project is only about 20 min. away and I'm now working on the fuselage, if you want to film a project about halfway done and expand geographically at the same time. I'll volunteer for it any day.


I'm building, and nearly done the private licence.
Technically, I started learning to fly first, in 1992, and the build in 2003.

I'll either finish and fly, or they can use the crate to bury me, with (primed, but with what?) an aluminum marker.
That is some nice bits of film. I hope we get to see the full length docu soon!

but man, that hot dog at the beginning looked like it was left out in the sun for a couple days!;)
Steady Camera

Just watched the video on Youtube with the HQ feature you added. That in itself was nice. How were you able to keep the camera so steady and not shaking inside the cockpit?


It's all about inertia. The camera I use is about eight pounds with a K-6 gyro attached. Hard on the shoulders, but it does help. Only about 10% of what I shoot this way is really usable (by my standards). I'm still hoping to improve on the technique. Helps having smooth air and a good pilot (Tom Berge).


Well, I'm at least one builder who doesn't have a pilots license yet. Any others out there?

Forrest, if you come to film at Vans, my project is only about 20 min. away and I'm now working on the fuselage, if you want to film a project about halfway done and expand geographically at the same time. I'll volunteer for it any day.


Thanks Bruce. I'll be in touch when I head that way.


I fly an ELSA registered trike out of Arthur Dunn in Titusville. I've ordered preview plans and practice kit for an RV-7. If you're interesed in having some ultralight footage in the General Aviation portions of your production we have some great local flyers and scenery (Kennedy Space Center) and would love to participate. Also could just take you up for videography in the area if that was desirable. We fly most every weekend.
