I'll be ordering one from you tonight!

I had a contact from my previous Grumman association who I was ordering through last year...even saw a preliminary picture of the model...and then he dropped of the face of the earth.

I'll drop you an email - great to know that we have a reasonably priced source!

BTW - any discount if I order two identical models?

I'll probably be ordering one too. Let me get some pictures together.
RV Models

yeah, I discount for two orders. This is the skinny on my model orders. Im a pilot and love anything aviation. I purchased a lot of model planes and noticed that nobody made experimental or LSA models so I started doing it. I keep the price low to attract customers, not because quality is poor because they are very good...
My wait time is about 8 weeks and that is a lot faster than sportys and other places who make folks wait 24 weeks for custom jobs. Im not trying to make a million bucks, just buying av gas with the earnings... Im in the military so uncle sam pays the bills.
The reason I like doing RVs so much is because I hope that an RV is my next plane. I have a Titan Tornado II now, and Im looking for more speed. I probably need to get with the owner of the group to post an add to support the site because support goes both ways in aviation...

Bill Briley
I Want a model

I'll be ordering one of my 8. I'm just in the finishing stages of markings and will send photo's in about 2 weeks when the decals are finished.
Put me on the list.
Do you want me to go on the web site now and sign up or wait until I can furnish the final photo's?

Hi guys,, just wanted to let you know, I've already ordered from Bill. Real nice chap and seems to genuinely<sp> care about his customers. Got burned/screwed by the "wings of wood" chap in N.Y.,,, hopefully Bill will be kept real busy. I'll post a pic of my 8 when it gets here.

Order on the Way!

Bill, check your email address that you have on your site....hope I got in line before the huge rush!! :D

RV models


appreciate the order and look forward to your paint job--I like that.
I cant stand people who take money like what happened to you. IF there was ever a reason I could not fill an order, I would refund the money, even if it came out of my pocket. some things are just wrong..

There is no real "rush" per say on orders, so order when you want. I have no overhead so Im not going out of business or anything. My model workers get paid once your model is complete so your money does not get spent. I keep it to secure the order, but the order doesnt get filled completely until I send you proofs. I will send you several proofs so you can see what it looks like. If I need to move a peto tube, add an antena etc, I do so before it ships.


Bill, I'm so glad you posted your message yesterday. A few months back I was asking around about a place to have a model built, but couldn't find one that was affordable and that I felt good about. Also, someone familiar with RV's, since I don't actually have a completed aircraft to send photos in.
When I get my model I'm going to photograph the heck out of it and post photos all over my website! I think I'll order two... one for my office for inspiration during the day, and one for in the shop to keep me smiling as I pound rivets on the real thing!

Thanks again, I bet you're going to be one very busy man in the next while now that your service has been revealed on VAF forums!

models and this weekend


Im not sure where a lot of you live, but we are having a cookout this weekend at our airport (LBT) lumberton, NC. I can bring some models out for you to see them if you show up. I keep my plane and gyrocopter there so come out if you can make it this sat.

I appreciate all the orders. I didnt realize how many folks would want one. You will be very happy with the end result, or I will make it right before it ships.

Cook out at LBT?

Hi Bill,
Who is hosting the cookout this weekend at LBT?
(give us some details... who/what/when)

Also, it's just 49 days to the Mid-Atlantic fly-in there at LBT (Lumberton, NC)
May 18 - 20, 2007..
Last year there were a few RVs there however, the spam cans seem to have the majority. (I sure hope the RV crowds RULE this year.. *hint hint*)
Incidently, my airstrip (1E6) is less than 20nm east of LBT... in case anyone finds themselves needing a hanger to take refuge in.. as the May rainstorms tend to put a damper on camping (and yes, my hanger is 'kegerator equipped'.. :rolleyes:

By the way Bill.. those models look great!
I have seen a couple other vendors making them however, being able to customize it to match the buyer's paint scheme is priceless!
Lumberton this weekend

The cookout is on Sat the 31st around noonish. I work on the fly in committee too, so please come and fly in if you can. Im running the LSA, and ultralight side of the event this year and hoping to improve the transportation issues that we have been plagued with in the past. We got the flyin farmer this year so he is pretty funny to watch. ITs a good line up.

I usually stay pretty involved with aviation stuff. I cant help it. I have been flying since I was 5. The model business has been a mixed blessing. IT started very small, and has grown a lot... I didnt think it would grow so fast, but if you treat people right, they will come back for other models etc for christmas and b-day gifts.
