
Well Known Member
I've gone back and forth between the RV7A, 14A, and now the 8/8A. After a demo flight in the 14 and endless talks with other builders. Im leaning towards the 8 or 8A.

I have a family of 4, but not willing to commit to the extra costs of a 4-seater. I'm a bigger guy (6'3 240) and its a little tight for me in a RV7. Thus narrowing my scope in the 14/8.

After seeing the RV 8 up close and talking with owners it seems like its a fantasic plane. Also I can save a bunch of $$$ plus its a more mature design with a larger support/option network. So the scales are tipping for me towards the RV8.

Question Time
-How is the RV8 for longer cross countries for passenger an pilot?
-Bigger guys. Have any issues with feeling cramped?
-Am i crazy or choosing the RV8 over the 14?


I am 6'2" 240 and I have zero complaints. I have the adjustable rudder pedals set at the second to last notch so there is room to move them a little further out. I have flown my -8 from Houston to OSH with my father-in-law in the backseat and made it with one stop each direction. Plenty comfortable for both of us.


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I've gone back and forth between the RV7A, 14A, and now the 8/8A. After a demo flight in the 14 and endless talks with other builders. Im leaning towards the 8 or 8A.

I have a family of 4, but not willing to commit to the extra costs of a 4-seater. I'm a bigger guy (6'3 240) and its a little tight for me in a RV7. Thus narrowing my scope in the 14/8.

After seeing the RV 8 up close and talking with owners it seems like its a fantasic plane. Also I can save a bunch of $$$ plus its a more mature design with a larger support/option network. So the scales are tipping for me towards the RV8.

Question Time
-How is the RV8 for longer cross countries for passenger an pilot?
-Bigger guys. Have any issues with feeling cramped?
-Am i crazy or choosing the RV8 over the 14?



Find a local -8 owner and have your likely flying companion sit in the back for a 30+ minute flight, then get her (?) input. The -8 has a large canopy and plenty of elbow room, but some passengers tire of watching the back of the pilot's head and/or feeling like luggage in the back.
Are you going to have a regular passenger? Are either of your kids interested in learning to fly? That might be something to factor into your decision.

I really wanted a -4 or an -8. But my wife said "if you ever want me to fly with you, I'm going to sit next to you". So, I'm building a -7.

Dad faced the same decision (he wanted a -4), but he knew Mom would want to sit next to him, and he knew I'd be wanting to fly. That's why he went with a -6.

If the second seat's going to be occupied most of the time, you might want to revisit the side-by-side idea. Also, I only have about half an hour in the back of an -8 vs. lots of time in the -6, but crew coordination on a cross-country (if the other person is of any help) might be a lot easier sitting next to each other rather than tandem.
The sandwiches are easier to reach

If they are sitting besides you instead of being in the back seat if there's no one back there to pass them to you.
Tandems have many advantages for comfort compared to the side by sides, and the -8 in particular has a very flexible cargo configuration. The -8 carried my wife and I comfortably from So Cal to Osh a few years ago with clothes, camping gear, tools and food. We were maxed out at every fuel stop, but it was a perfectly acceptable ride.

The tandem vs side by side boils down to 3 things:

1. What does she want?
2. Is she "crew" or a "passenger"?
3. What does she want?
The -8 in turbulence fishtails just a little. You won't notice it up front but I've had a CFI friend get queasy in the back in very light turbulence. Also, check not how much room there is in the back but how much wiggle room. Lastly, get some family members rides in each so they feel listened to and have buy-in in the decision.
Uncomfortable in the back

Also, check not how much room there is in the back but how much wiggle room.

This is a very astute comment. I had my first flight in the back of an RV8 recently. It was only a 1 hour flight but in the end I found that it got progressively more uncomfortable as the flight continued. There's plenty of room in the back but no room to move your legs around....they're stuck either side of the pilot's seat in a confined space. Your legs are spread apart and after a while I had a terrible urge to want to move them around...to change position....but I couldn't.

The RV8 is very comfortable in the front but I was glad to get out of the back seat after an hour.

Some comments about how comfortable the RV8 is in the back seat may be coming from builder/pilots who have never actually spent any real time in the back. ;)
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I have a family of 4, but not willing to commit to the extra costs of a 4-seater.



Take another look at RV10 and run the estimator one more time. Your family would love to be a part of your adventures. You might even get extra riveting help :)
80% through an 8.

We have a 7 flying and I am about to put the 8 on the market for the following reasons.

1. My flying buddy got diagnosed MS and his mobility will start to reduce - he can wiggle around in the 7, not the 8, we tried with all the seats in.

2. Other partner recently joined may be a little snug for the back of the 8.

3. Main partner's son starting flying and he can't really fly from the back of the 8 and won't be easy to insure for the front.

So, it's a 14 taildragger for us :D

Also, consider this of Vans. The latest model uses the best design, construction and development thinking. They are very conservative and have not had a bum one yet.
For pure flying satisfaction it's tough to beat the 8.

The mission is different though for each of us.

I am in the minority, I prefer to fly alone which makes the 8 so suitable. It would have been a 3 except it takes so long to build one.

Good luck with your decision, all of the Vans aircraft are a delight to fly, you won't regret it.