
Active Member
I was looking online for a place to go for the "$100 Dollar Hamburger" and thought it would be easy to find some info. I found the web site for the $100 Dollar Hamburger but you had to subscribe. Granted it was only $5.00 a year but with sites like this one it should be easy AND free to find an RV friendly destination. Maybe we could start a section in this forum for just that :rolleyes: . I found a place called Sammie's Touch and Go Restaurant on the airport in Pell City,Al that looks good. If the weather is good this weekend my wife and I will check it out and post a report.

O-320 / FP
180 Hours
Morning, Scott.

Go to the front page of the forums http://www.vansairforce.com/community/index.php and scroll down to the 'Regional Forums' section. You'll see I just created a sub-forum under the North Texas and Florida areas called 'fly-out destinations'.

I'll do this as more local areas ask to be created and this should serve as a simple, easily updated way of spotlighting those RV-friendly dining destinations. Anyone will be able to post additions/updates as needed. Free 'n easy.

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