
I was wondering if any builders in the area would be willing to let me come look at their projects. I'd be happy to help out in any way while I am there.

I want to get a feel for what it takes in terms of effort before starting myself. Thanks!

There are quite a few builders and completed/flying RVs in the Chicago area. We even have a Yahoo "Group" although it has not yet gelled as an active community. A lot of the Chicago guys are on this forum too. Some of them got together at one builder's home a week or so ago to look over his project but I was not able to go due to family commitments.

Here's a link to the group:

Oops - while I was typing this, Pete beat me to the "submit" button!

My wife Lolly and I are building a RV7A at Kenosha, WI. Give me a call to set up a visit. We are working on the finish kit. We live in Mundelein.

[email protected]

I just signed up for the Yahoo Group. I will post my query there.

Larry, please tell me when I can call you. Mornings? Evenings? I might be buying a townhome in Mundelein myself in the next few weeks.
I am building a -10 with an Eggenfellner engine in Naperville. I would be happy to show it to you anytime...just call me @ 630-308-7476
Bolingbrook Area

I'm in the late stages of a RV-6A and live in Bolingbrook (just east of Naperville). I'm usually working on it on the weekend. Drop me a line and I can give you directions.

N694BP reserved
RV builders

Not Chicago area, but if you have a reason to come to Milwaukee (?see the Brewers or the Calatrava Art Museum) you'd be welcome to see my RV-8, currently in finishing kit; Panel's done and part way along on cowling. Baffling largely done. Best of luck in your project. Bill
I'm here, plane's not...

I'm finishing up an RV-9A, but I live in Tennessee. I'm based here for the airline. I spend a bunch of time hanging out, on a beeper. So, if anyone in the ORD area needs a hand on their RV, I'd love to help out. Just give me a call, and if I can help you, I will.

Greg Marlow
RV7a just recently finished and flying

Hay, if you want to travel up to Wisconsin,I just flew off my 40 hours. Located in Monroe, WI (KEFT) about a 2 hour drive from Chicago. (Not a long flight if you wanted to fly in) Avgas is $4.80/Gal. I would be glad to share what I have done. I know that while I was building mine, I would have loved to have one to just look at from time to time to figure out what the instructions are trying to tell me!!!! I own my own business so I'm available during the day too. Give me a call at my office during the day 608-328-3424 if you need to make contact, or e-mail me at
[email protected]